i know a lot of you might wanna pay yer respects so i decided to log on and accept all the comments you guys have left... so feel free now to leave any comments.... RIP audri..
FROM YOUR LOVING FAMILY: Thank you for being with us during this difficult time. Your thoughts, prayers and words of sympathy will always be remembered.The Family of
Audri Fae Santos Respicio
Vester, Ola, Alexis, Alwin and Alison
i can't sleep. so i'm editing this about me section on myspace. i think the last time i really updated this was thanksgiving break. haha. oh and im returning to default mode too. just cause. (12:51 AM, February 13, 2006)
FAMILY: i love my family. and damn proud to say it. my parents are the best. despite everything, i love them so much. all the yelling, frustration, and trials are part of life. i know they'll never leave my side. all they want is the best for us. i'm the oldest out of four children and the only girl. just imagine the chaos at home that i have to endure every single day. haha. three little brothers. crazy chaos. i love them though cause i know that even if they're really annoying most of the time, they look up to me and love me as their sister. hehe. alex is an eleven year old sixth grader at springstowne middle. he's a crackhead that procrastinates more than i do. i don't want him to go to hogan less than three years from now. i won't be there anymore and its prolly gonna be so bad. considering how bad it is right now. alwin is the boy geek of the family. he's nine and is a fourth grader at beverly hills elementary. that's freaking far from our house. he goes there cause of the gate program. what a nerd. but he's also a damn procrastinator. i had to do his stupid project once. but he is pretty damn smart. you don't have to help him with his homework. except for major projects i guess. and then there's alison. yes, he's a boy with a girl's name. my mom wanted a girl after having two little boys that she reserved that name and decided that it will be the name no matter what, girl or boy. turned out to be a boy. oh well. i like his name though. hella unique for a boy. he's a really cute five year old. he's a kindergartner who will argue with you about his homework. yes, you heard that right. a five year old who argues with you about his homework. he'll insist he finished it when he didn't. or he'll tell you he did something right when he did it wrong. he's the baby of the family though so everyone still loves him even if he acts up a little too much sometimes. as for the rest of my family, i'm like one of the middle cousins. i have about close to twenty on my dad's side. its funny when we have familly gatherings and everyone's there. lol just imagine. my mom's side of the family is in the pi. all my cousins there are all old though. the youngest over there is like twenty something. lalalala.
DEVIATION: oh my gosh. my second family. gone through so much with them in such a short amount of time. i don't know where i'll be without them either. they've shaped me into who i am now and i don't regret it. i've learned so much from being with these people. i'm hoping to stay as long as i can. even after highschool. this is one thing that would prolly be so hard for me to let go once the time comes. che che: the first person i met when i joined guard three years ago. i can't even count all the good memories together that we shared. all the fun times are out of my counting range by now. despite everything, she stayed and i know i can trust her with everything. she's the older sister that i never had. yup yup. you have to stay till you age out! XD christine dork!: no one has any freaking idea what both of us have gone through. all the good times, bad times, we both went through it together. no one left each other's side. we share so many things in common you don't even know. at one point, those similarities got a little too scary. haha hi christine! oh and i was the one who started her myspace. iono. something random. lol. its really sad that she had to be in bethel's guard this year and not in deviation but we've never lost touch. you have no idea how much we text each other in class. not right now though cause her phone's retarded. there was one point where i had close to fifty text messages from her in one day. woops. we were the gossiping girls of tarzan year. just in the show idiots. not literally. most of you prolly thought of something else. haha. we're both seniors next year! yipppeee! deviation next year, right? yay! vicky: my second older sister that i never had. yay i have two! i win! since she's christine's older sister she's my older sister too! mwahahaha. but no. i don't know her as christine's sister. shoot. she's special to me in her unique way. you guys don't even know how much i've told her about me. and you will never know. i dont' know how i would have survived the deviation crisis just a couple of months ago without her. she opened my eyes to everything. all those conversations... i know i was right in choosing her to vent out everything on.uhhhh. i'm continuing this later. its like 2 am. lol.......but dang. this is what you call a real about me section! hell yeah! haha i wrote hella already, and the deviation section's not even halfway done. i have my friends and school section to do still. you are such a bored loser if you've read all of this already. its my myspace. and its about me. so nyeh. later!