Jonathan profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Name:Jonathan C M
Bday: Sept. 28th
Nickname: Sven
Age: 23
Birthplace: Burlington, Ontario
Eye Color: brownish - greenish
Current location: b-town :D
Hair Color: dirty blond
Height: 5 feet...
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: Sweedish, French Canadian, British, and Irish!!
2. Hometown: Burlington, Canada3. Birthplace: Burlington, Canada4. Sign: Libra5. Age: 196. Grade: 77. Height: 5'38. Weight: 86 pounds9. Hair Color: dirtyblond/lightbrownish10. Eye Color: light brown11. Shoe Size: 8?12. Favorite Food: chocolate :D13. Favorite Drink: coffee:D14. Favorite Movie: sixth sence15. Favorite Band: U216. Favorite Sport: Tennis!!17. Favorite Person: me :P18. Favorite Place to live: Kingston19. Favorite Subject: i don't know ...20. Who makes you laugh most?: Jerry Seinfeld21. Who can you trust?: someone who can't talk22. Who can you tell anything to?: i don't know ...23. Last person to call you?: Christian & Theo!!!24. Last person to make you laugh?: Jim :D25. Abortion?: no fucking way.26. Adoption?: me? no.27. Ever Traveled?: YEAH28. Where do you want to visit?: England :D29. Where do you want to live?: Florida sometimes30. Do you believe in love at first sight?: nope31. If you were stuck on an island, who would you want to be with you?: Jesus. and my parents.32. Whats the best thing to come out of this year?:grade 7?33. Do you want to get married?: yeah34. Know to who?: no35. Are you in Love?: Nope36. Who do you love?: Family and Friends & dudes from my religion37. Do they love you back?: yaeh38. Ever written a poem?: uhh ... yep i think so39. About what?: my family40. Like to sing?: hell yeah41. Kissed in the rain?: Nope.42. Kissed under the stars?: wtf no43. Laughed so hard you cried?: hell yes44. Written a song?: No45. Like dancing?: yup46. Are you good?: i suck crap47. Can you write with both hands?: nope48. Can you Whistle?: barely49. Can you Cross your eyes?: yeah50. Can you cook?: kinda51. Can you impersonate someone?: i don't think so52. Pizza or pasta?: pizza and pasta! 53. Hugs or Kisses?: ??54. Gym or Music?: MUSIC 55. Shower or Bath?: SHoWER 56. Family or Friends?: both 57. Boxers(panties) or Briefs(thongs)?: boxers 58. Love or Like?: like 59. Nice or hot?: ??? 60. Commitment or Swinger?: ??? 61. Rich or Happy?: Happy :D 62. Abercrombie or Urban outfitters?: Abrecrombie 63. You or your love?: wtf does that mean? 64. Short hair or long? (in a girl/guy):i don't know 65. Six pack or sweet?: ? 66. Lover or Fighter?: ? 67. Badass or goodie goodie?: i don't know 68. Kiss or make out?: i don't know 69.--HAHA Movies at home or out?: both! 70. Loneliness or Heartache?: ?? 71. What sports do you play?: Tennis 72. Body Type?: sumo 73. What do you wear to bed?: boxers 74. Believe in ghosts?: ya 75. Have your own computer?: no :( 76. Would you die for the one you love?: not yet 77. Would they let you?: who? 78. Want kids?: sometimes 79. Play an instrument?: yup, guitar 80. Any thoughts on life?: yours sucksi took an "are you stupid test" and it said (after trying to sell me stuff):50% Intelligent-ish We can't really congratulate you for this one. While you're definitely not stupid, you're not exactly a national braintrust. You Are "Intelligent-ish" in the most mediocre sense of the word. that's nicePepsi/Coke: NOO NEVER
The CricketSoda Myspace Editor! ..

My Interests

tennis guitar tv computer i have a pathetic life :D

I'd like to meet:

lots of people:
Billy Talent
The Pope
JERRY SEINFELD!!! JIM CARREY!!! Cute is what we Aim For!!! The Academy Is...!!! people who don't screw around!!! and others ...


U2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Billy Talent, Led Zeppilen, Pink Floyd, Cute Is What We Aim For, silversun pickups!, The Academy Is..., Greenday, RHCP, The Beatles (a little), The Hip, The Cure, escape the fate, taking back sunday, lots of old stuff and some new stuff, the list goes on...Your results:
You are Green Lantern Green Lantern 80% Hulk 75% Iron Man 75% Spider-Man 70% The Flash 70% Supergirl 65% Wonder Woman 65% Superman 60% Robin 45% Catwoman 40% Batman 30% Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz


the Count of Monty Cristo, West Side Story, Edward Scissorhands, Secret Window, The Shining, The Sixth Sence, Rattle and Hum, (to name a few) ... DONT CLICK HERE!!!


Corner Gas, Seinfeld(woo!), Royal Canadian Air Farce, This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Rick Mercer Report, ect ...Your results:
You are Venom Venom 70% The Joker 69% Dr. Doom 66% Magneto 65% Poison Ivy 65% Lex Luthor 64% Dark Phoenix 64% Apocalypse 63% Mystique 61% Mr. Freeze 53% Two-Face 53% Catwoman 47% Kingpin 42% Green Goblin 41% Riddler 40% Juggernaut 33% Strength, disguise and adrenaline are your greatest weapons.
Click here to take the "Which Super Villain are you?" quiz...

Create your own Friend Test here
Create your own Friend Test here


Holes, Marly and Me (a dog book), The Hatchet, there's more that i can't think of, i don't read... books.
Create your own Friend Test here


the guys From U2, Jerry Seinfeld, Martan Luther King, Terry Fox, Iqbal, Father Mihm (RIP), My Parents :P, ect ...

My Blog

Death (happyhappyhappy)

ok. Death. it's what we are all waiting for. usually we are afraid of it, but why? it's when someone else dies that you are afraid. isn't it? some people belive that there is no "Heaven" or no afterli...
Posted by Jonathan on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 10:16:00 PST