..*muSic, mY guitaR, the woRLd, concerts, fLying, a pErsonalitY, druGs & convO - great miX, internEt, wat i dOn't knOw, animaLS, the raiNbOw, drEams, faCes, quOteS, potOgraphY, readinG informative infO & 2 *daNCe on pOWder.....
..::** coM as u R, aS yoU werE...:. alL sORtz of ppLe...... even if ur a juNKiee/usEr, kind, Odd, braiNy, A follower, haPY or sAD, famOus, moODy, uP urselF, unique, dopEy or just funnY... NO pShycO's wit baD eviL inteNtions.... nO fakErs with plaStic peRsonalitY's pLEes.... 4 faaRk sakE's just be *hoNEst!!! & if we cliCK haPPYdays then..
gOtta haV it loud & LOuDeEeR.....!!!!!......
alL sORtz of cOrs!! ......... {(*..*)}........hmmmMmm thE sOunDs of mUSic 2 my eaRs
Take the quiz:
Which Guitar Player Are You?
Andres Segovia
You are Andres Segovia. You are the best guitar player ever to have lived. You could play anything, even if it was impossible. You turned classical music into a work of art on the acoustic guitar, and people flocked by the millions to see you play. You knew over 700 scales, and are the most technically sound, musically knowledged guitarist ever to live.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
ANY tru stOry, cOmedy, vamPire, car/motorbike & daNCE movies!!!
stAnd uP comedY, reality shows, coOKing/talk shows, documentries & mUSic videOs/interviews?concerts/awardS...
anything rEaL... infORmative... can keeP *me reaDing...
A heRO lieS in yoU...............*****...........faMiLy tRee.... 4 thO's who hav suffered pAin 4 a long tym..... liFe goes on, like it neva enDs..... fight thrU that.......feEL & crY out loUd that cRapY/sHitY/depResSin emotioNs.....,.dOn't supResS alwayS listEn, let it oUt.... it's gOna b a bRight, briGht, BrigHt.... suN *shiNeY Day.