MuSiC For Ya EarS
A DediCaTiOn
FrOm Da SouL
To possess a of love for someone so strong that it sickens me.. Eachtime im with you, i let you take a piece of me.. i let the guard down. opening up to you..You said you were ReaL.. not like everyone else.. You use to feeL me.. our words never mattered because u already knew what i was thinking and feeling before i even began to open my mouth. My love for u can never be describe through words, but my actions may come close enough. The feeling of your lips touching mine overpowers my soul.. The way you told me you love me..replays in my mind..but breaks my heart. We are two Lost souls.. in a 'relationship' that seems to only exist behind close doors.. where it is safe to feel this strong for one another. where we're Able to express.. the Lies that we have hidden from others.. the secrets we try hard to forget..and the emotinal fuck we put on one another...It's all a matter how close we are physically.. we will always be too far to have our souLs connect fully. Things that should be and could be, but aren't because they can't be.. I can't be everyone else. Trying so hard to break you open to get through the tough exterior the protects your ice cold heart.. It isn't me.. i tried but i dont//Can't differeniate between what is Sincere and what is bullshit. i'm not all these little Females trying to be in your life because your so damn unattainable... I wanted to be in your life because you intrigued me... your touch was liberating. i felt secure with u. never had to express much because you knew. we understood one another at one point in time. We shared a love like no other. I know you feel me. i know you remember how good it feels when i was around. took you away from reality for that brief moment and into that "Cyril" state. We could lay in eachothers arms Forever if we wanted to. But there was always something that stopped us. All emotions.. nothing less nothing more... im confused with you.. but the memories...will help me understand what it was like...i know where i stand with you. I just had to vent a little. In time.. I know...
no matter what it is you will always feel me. and i understand u more than u will ever know. Our lives at times become too much to handle. but regardless we get through it, one way or another. You possess a strength that many people tried hard to gain thier whole life time .. With everything that was thrown at still rose from it and kept moving..I admire you for that. You'll always be more to me than the Friend to lean on..
UntiL then...
Know that..
I love You....
regardless the outcome in this LifeTime Or the Next
You'll Always have a place in my heart
-ReaLLi UrS-
I'm not closE miNded SoO i'll DefinateLy TrY SomEthiNg OncE.. Or Maybe Even TwiCe...
TakiN' PiCtureS Is my maiN Fetish, Only BecaUse YoU Can CapTure OnE SPeciAL MoMent and Cherish It FoR a LiFeTiME...
MuSiC CleanseS My SoUL anD FreeS My miNd... And wiThouT It i ThiNk I woULd Go iNsAnE.... So manY thinGs can Be ExpreSs with a "PerFecT VerSe To A tigHt BeaT!?!"
LastLy.. TaTToOss... U Gotta Love 'em and If U Don't .... heyy, thats Your persoNaL thaNg!?!
My TaTToOs
SmOkiNg OuT .... AHHH gOod DaYzZ
An individuaL who strives for change in life.
No matter how many failed attempts,
road blocks or obstacles get in there way.
You don't have to be drama free
because 99% of us aren't.
I would like to come across someone
who can dig deep into my souL and find out why ReaLLi
is the way she is.
A female who is compassionate, understanding, goal-oriented
and is willing to struggle for me
and with me, so that maybe one day her and i
can get to the top.
Other than the compLicated shit,
PeoPLe who are fun, open-minded and
can see beyond the bounderies
having a personality is a plus
and being able to act like a lil' kid
_I dont like to waste peoples time so Please_
Don't waste my time by adding me//IM'ing me
_if u Just want to add me just to have a million and one friends!!_
wanna talk... IM me
This profile has been pimped out by
:: miZz ReaLLi ::
Dear MiZz ReaLLi,
FuCk ToP 8!!!
R&B.. Hip-hop... Rap...a lil' bit of 'oL sChOoL...RoCk...
That Alternative Shit...
I use to be a Marilyn Manson fan....
Can't stand country MusiK... but I'll try to tolerate it...
LinKin Park is The Shit...
Evanescence is what gets me through those Ruff Days...
OoOo ms. Alicia Keys ( thaSs my wife, but she don't know it yet!)
Brandy, and her 'Never Say Never' Album
Jay-z cuz he be making the 'song cry' haha...
Clipse,N.E.R.D Cuz their Beats are tOo tygHt to paSs up...
Usher, he taught me to 'LET IT BURN'.....
Lauryn Hill's 'Miseducation' has educated me....
Aaliyah, she's 'one in a million'...
SWV, they make me so 'weak'....
Joss Stone, she has tOo much souL, and listening to her is a MUST....
India Arie has me 'Ready for Love'...
Rap and hip-hop when i wannabe 'Gangsta Wit It'
That Fast Shit, UncLe LuKe-
He Makes me wanna Shake My AsS Like Wha!!!!
There's More But i can't think of right now....
love & basketball
american history X
spongebob square pants:the movie
eyes wide shut
shrek one & two
lilo & stich: the movie
like water for chocolate
Saw One & tWo
SharkS TaLe
BrOKe Back MounTain
The guy.that 70's show.Will and Grace.
Friends...awww i miss that show.Reality shows.Judge shows.
The & the city (thanks to stacie).lilo & stich.
spongebob square pants.american idol.
Between lovers
milk in my coffee
friends and lovers
The House of Sand and Fog
The Pianist
The Other Women
My GraNdMoTHer