having those weekends/days that u talk about for weeks, sports,working out,EATING
Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, Martin Luther King Jr. Chris Farley, Jim Carrey, GEORGE W. BUSH (and shake his hand)
I like everything from rap to country.
Basically anything with Jim Carrey, Will Farrell, Chris Farley, Ben Stiller etc. is just hilariousTommy Boy, Dumb and Dumber, Lord of the Rings, my home made movies, Liar Liar,Remember the Titans, Happy Gilmore, Waterboy, Wayne's world 1&2, and many others.
The King of Queens, The Simpsons, Sports Center, SNL
The Bible, Lord of the Rings, Where's Waldo(legit)
Jesus Christ Grandmas and Grandpas Martin Luther King Jr.the Britton basketball team that went 47-1!!!!!!!! WE WON CHAMPIONSHIPS TOGETHER!MJ and Kobe, dont forget about ur power forward when u guys are rich and famous.