Good Day People...How's your life today...? Perhaps, everything goes smoothly & fine!! Cool! ..But,..nobody is perfect rite? Sometimes WE DO THINGS RITE n sometimes WE DO RITE THINGS? :) hehe..Can U Spot the Difference? Do u know something? Each of us is so special for some logical & gifted reasons.. :) Do not wait too long 2 find it yourself...I think de answer is already there in u! It was u who never tried hard 2 explore urself...Believe me...One Meaningful Day will come and u'll manage 2 find the true color of u...How long does it take? a day? a few days? a week? a couple of months? years? It's all up 2 u then...Me? Well, i'm truly saying that i'm still learning & X-trayING 2 get 2 know the ORIGINAL me!! It's hard 2 look inside me either...And so the others! Hmm, however, i'll neva give-up or quit! de time goes by, i won't stop myself 2 do wateva i really wanna do 4 good purposes.. To me, E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E is SO special...Be yourself, Love Yourself & NEVER Hate yourself...
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Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
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Your kiss is... erotic
Your hugs are... friendly
Your eyes... light up a day
Your touch is... irresistable
Your smell is... refreshing
Your smile is... hypnotising
Your love is... eternal
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