About Me
TO PLACE YOUR ORDER CALL 714-421-5177. Sew 4 life,Hand Made, Self Made, Custom Bags By BOBO -Down 4 the struggle, Support the '13' Lifestyle! Im the Homie that made your bag! Pipe bag,Waterpipe bag,Bubbler bag,whatever u use a bag 4 !!! Your Gun, Tattoo Gun,Photo- lenses,Art brushes, Microphone, Whatever!, maybe your shades or jewelery. Bags 4 WHATEVER! FUrCKo ,Yeah I started this shit,FUrCKo! Dont be fooled by imitators,knockoffs,straight up fools who copy our style! .... My wife (Cindy) and I started our CO. FUrCKo in 1998. We started with nothin. Started at the age of 28, no job, a highschool drop out!, cosmetology school drop out! ,still searchin hadnt really found my way..... Lucky 2 meet a Lady who was down for me & down for the struggle, no matter what!....
It all started in H.B.(Huntington Beach) 97'(Just met Cindy in March 97') Cindy and I made a pair of FUrry red shorts for me to sport during the Downtown H.B.4th of July celebration! Huntington Beach,CA.4th July n shit! Well it use 2 go off ! Now its all Tame! Anyways, Cindy made the original FUrry Red Lucky lighter cover, Im like thats sick! I think everyone would dig those! We can sell those to all kinds of stores, FIRST we started passin them around at Clubs n stuff,(chicks dig em!)A Great item to Promo your Band,Club,Event,Store,whatever.....(ask for more info), got tons of killer vibes! Then we came up with FUrCKo, FUCK in the name , couldnt get any better than that 2 me! Then on my bike (cause I had no car) I started cruzin local liqour stores,gas stations,my local 7-11 store,got Lucky Furry Lighters goin at Black Flys stores, next started makin purses! Got the Purses flowin into stores on Main St.in Huntington Beach,CA, then onto Melrose into NaNa! in Hollywood,CA.,and Haight St. in San Francisco,Ca. Word! ... Did the Venice Beach thang, you name it, we have done it!
With Heart, Passion, and a Never Give Up attitude we started with Lucky Furry and leopard lighter covers at local liquor stores, then we got the lighters into Hot Topic and our purses into Wet seal, it was on! Now we have a line of bags, pillows, purses in Headshops and Adult shops across the world. Thanks to Distributors like XHALE,HYPNOTIZED AND LBS(Pounds)!!!
Now 9 yrs deep , We bought a house in the I.E.,CA. We are now just gettin started so keep a look out for more FUrCKo products in the future... I have stuck to my ways, turned negative to a positve, never give up, dont except No for an answer, do it your way! If you want it done rite, gotta do it yourself! As artists we want to keep it real, so we do all the designing ,sewing, and labor ourselves, to keep the originality and quality!* -FUrCKo-* D.G.A.F. ,supporting the Cause, the underdogs, the underground, the struggle, the streets,G and P.R. lifestyle! Gangster,Punk Rock.....
BOBO 13 4life..........