on HMV digital at http://hmv.com/hmvweb/digitalProductDetails.do?ctx=-1;8;-1;- 1;-1&productId=7807831
on Woolworths at http://www.woolworthsdownload.co.uk/MUSIC/LMCAlbumDetail/Lef tNavWindow?action=2Antistene is a musical project by an Italian living in England by the name of Francesco. He plays acoustic guitar, piano, harmonica and synth and partner in crime Wara plays synth, and some drums. Francesco studied fingerpickin’ guitar with Rosario Volpe in Napoli, Italy. He arrived in London in 2007 to get a job, for his studies and has been playing and busking everywhere ever since.David Says:A clear and simple acoustic guitar song, this certainly showcases Francesco’s skill on his instrument. by Ricardo