..Tanya's Answers to Survey An Actual Random Survey
1 - What was the last lie you told? Umm...
2 - What do you have in your underwear drawer? underwear!?
3 - What is your dream? to have a great family and husband of my own someday...and do all i can for them
4 - What do you think of romance? much needed
5 - What do you think of diamonds, gold ext.? not a must but nice to have if you can afford them
6 - Under what situation would you ever cheat on someone? what?!
7 - Do you make a good lover? i would hope so
8 - Do you prefer males or females? ugh.... MALES
9 - Does sex matter to you? sure
10 - Do any physical characteristics matter to you? heighth, eyes, smile
11 - If you had a baby boy, what would you name it? have no idea at this point but I like Jackson
12 - ..baby girl? umm, I like Olivia
13 - What are your top three favorite genres of music? rock (classic/pop/punk/folk), motown/soul, country
14 - What are your top three favorite artists/bands? not sure if i can name just three?! Wilco, Superdrag, Nada Surf AND Butch Walker.... i'll settle for four
15 - What song are you listening to or last listened to? Blue Orchid
16 - What is you favorite kind of food? i love everything... esp. spicy (wings, Asian, etc)
17 - What do you really think of your parents? you don't wanna know....... !!! they've both been through a lot and (i hope) they do the best they can
18 - What three things do you love doing in you spare time? relaxing, going to shows, socializing
19 - Are you introverted or extroverted? a bit of both
20 - What values you would teach a child? to always do the right thing... to be strong, confident, and kind to people...
21 - Is Fabio actually attractive to you? holy hell NO!
22 - What's something weird about you? I can't swim? I also had 14 stitches in my head when I was little from a Kirby sweeper
23 - What's your favorite curse word? m***** f****** s***! hahahahahaha
24 - Do you lie about who you are to appear socially attractive, honestly? hell no
25 - If you were voted 'most anything,' what would that anything be? well i was voted in high school most likely to become a beauty queen... ha! but i'd like to be known for being down to earth and sincere
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