About Me
Well, let's see. These things always seem so odd. I mean, who are you that you're interested in me, in learning about me? Why would you trust me to be honest? Or, are you looking for the shell game? Hey, hey, place your bet. Looka, here the pea, now zip, zip, zip . . . where is it? You play, you win, you play, you lose, you play.About me really? I read -- pretty much professionally, pretty much for years now. Not in a glamorous "Hey, I'm in publishing" way; but I am a buyer for a book distributing company, before that worked in a bookstore, before that was a grad student in English, before that bookstore, before that ungergrad. Before that high school, before that middle school, then elementary school, toddler years, baby, womb, primordial soup, till we reach the absolute beginnings of pure energy – empty space and points of light as Winterson puts it. Which I still am, as are you, as are we all if only we could give over this narcissistic insistence of “my existence is sooo important†because are we really that important? Have you never looked into the black, midnight sky and thought, just perhaps, we are merely the universe’s version of sea monkeys?Are you still reading this? Are you that bored?I suppose more can be had about me if you care to ask. I really don’t feel the need to prance about on this all too public stage. I am not so special, nor so interesting, nor so interested.