My name? AISHAH. I would love it a lot if my parents spelled it as AYEESHA. I'm not really sure how old I am right now because I'm too lazy to calculate. But basically, I'm 18 (on the 29th March 2008)
I am incapable of downloading new knowledge into my brain because my memory card is full. (What do you expect from a 64MB memory card??)(Gurauan semata-mata. Sekiranya kenyataan ini benar, tidak mungkin saya akan lepas Darjah 1 pun. Namun begitu, Darjah 1 hanya belajar mewarna dan angka! haha) I'm really open about everything, except rempits. I'm an ANTI-REMPIT. So, do share your stories with me because I lead a very boring life. When I'm bored, I'll eat a lot. Thats why I'm like this. :) My all time favourite animated movie is EMPEROR'S NEW GROOVE, love to watch it over and over again. I LOVE (5X) to read. I'm a proud Malaysian. I'm supporting Obama for the Presidency. Hope to end all this war nonsense. I'm into saving the planet, stop global warming and that kinda stuff. I want to save the polar bears. :) I'm a NEAT FREAK! I have OCD, I think. I like cleaning and making my house a better place to live. I THRIVE on NEATNESS! :) I guess thats all. I love James from 'Kimora Life In The Fab Lane'. He is super adorable. :) I'm HAPPY! INTEC is the BEST! Thanks to my roomates, Kher Lee, Hajar and Pari. Also thanks to my ADFP 12. Abg Farhan, Sonia, Ajwad, Nabilah, Adlil, Nik, Fatin, Yatimah, Syira, Khairul, Shaun, Saddiq, Zaaz, Dzul, and others.
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