Robbery profile picture


I'm being totally heterosexual right now babe!

About Me

I would have to say that I am a nice guy about 90 percent of the time and an asshole the
other 10 percent of the time. I love cars, food, traveling, art, and music. I miss the people
who I have lost and/or grown apart from. I am also a grateful
and appreciative person who likes to laugh. I try to be a positive person, and treat people the way I would like to be treated.

My Interests

Jenn ;) ,My 96 Nissan 240sx(zenki s14), motor sports like drifting, anime, good food,tattoos,comic books, going to car shows or races, traveling to new places, trying new things,

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who shares the same interests with me, or wants to meet me. People who make me laugh
. I like cars, tattoo art, music, animals, beer, life,
and laughing so if you like any of those, I'll prolly like you. I don't need a billion friends
cause the ones I have right now are great. I'm not saying I don't want new friends, but I'm
very grateful for the friends I already have, and for where I'm at in life.Say what you wanna say...


I like the Police, the Cure, Boston, Motley Crue, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Van Halen, and all kinda of 80s metal. I also like trance or anything that makes you wanna drive. Lupe Fiasco, Tribe Called Quest, Nujabes, X Japan, Sugizo, Boom Boom Satellites, Tsuchie, Tiesto, Gabriel and Dresden. I listen to just about everything. Just about.


Anything by Quinten Terratino/Akira Kurosawa/Jackie Chan, I love the Shogun Assassin series and all types of other movies like Boondock Saints,and Snatch, car movies Like Option/BestMotoring,Lucky Number S7even, Grandma's Boy. Basically anything that will make me laugh, etc.


Don't really watch a lot of tv anymore, but when i did i watched The Simpsons, Family Guy, Fresh Prince, Scrubs, and Hardgay Razor Ramon.


D sport(I think it's the best car magazine out there)Farenheit 451 Sihdartha by Herman Hesse is one of my all time favorites, and books by John Steinbeck.
I also am on and


My Grandma Jackie, my gramps Alfie and anyone who will help others.
Daijiro Yoshihara, Orido, Jackie Chan, Hiro Sumida, Yoshinori Koguchi and Han Solo, Michael Madsen.

My Blog

dream cars.

I have not posted a blog in such a long time, and I wanted to so I thought I would compile a list of cars, I dream of owning one day. Some may be near impossible to own, others may be possible but wil...
Posted by Robbery on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 05:35:00 PST

R.I.P Gareth Harris

Yesterday my friend Gareth Harris passed away from valley fever. It is a infection that you get from mold spores that are in this valley's shitty dirt. He went into the hospital a week before his 30th...
Posted by Robbery on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:47:00 PST

Im going to see the Police

As a gift for my birthday I am going to see the Police perform in  San Jose. I can't wait. if you don;t knwo wthe Police are your probably too young, or just need to stop listening to r&b. bu...
Posted by Robbery on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 06:25:00 PST

(..........) ...... in the rain

Yesterday WAS RAINING ALL DAY.  and i was visiting my brother and sister , and it was raining, but they wanted to go to the store, so we decided to walk to the store. which eventually turned out...
Posted by Robbery on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 01:02:00 PST

handy man

Well, I tend to fix things alot, lke stuff around the house, and things like that, and i love cars and know how to do basic stuff, but this past week i feel as if i learned alot. i helped a friend swa...
Posted by Robbery on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 03:06:00 PST

rollin with the punches

Its amazing how life just keeps coming at you. Its like you always gotta be on you gaurd for the next barage of punches. And the best thing to do is to just keep rollin with them, and it seems that la...
Posted by Robbery on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:28:00 PST

crazy puppy breaks its arm!

So last week our chihuahua italian grey hound mix jumps off the back of the couch at 340 in the morning and snaps its front right leg in half. had to take her to the hospital, she had to than be taken...
Posted by Robbery on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 01:42:00 PST

the dyno of my car ka24det

this is the how the car was when i bought it. im in the process of rebuilding the motor. ...
Posted by Robbery on Fri, 18 May 2007 06:15:00 PST

message in a bottle

Posted by Robbery on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 06:47:00 PST

Driving like chewbaca and sulu.

I love driving down the freeway at night in the rain, with out using the windsheild wipers, listening to  my favorite dj. it makes me feel like im bustin lightspeed with han and chewy or hitin wa...
Posted by Robbery on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 01:39:00 PST