Hows it goin....I'm Adrien...and as most of you would've gathered I'm awesome...Some people call me Ades....little kids call me adie....and it shits me...
I am easy goin...seriously nothing really bothers me...
I play Colts for Parramatta Two Blues...everyone there is pretty rad...
I have a nipple ring....nipple cripple me please...
I come with my own theme music...
I am always up for a big night out with the boys...or anyone for that matter...seriously if you wanna go out and give us a buzz and if i have money i'll go....but i never have money
so i'll probably never come...
I own canned laughter...when i tell a joke you will hear it...
I have a Rick and an Aaron they are good blokes.... All the other boys are tops jess mason
I beat the flash in a race around the world...
I have a brother...his name is kieran...He loves it and it loves him...we kinda look alike....He's a good bloke...but he's lankier than a giraffe....
I have an alison...she loves it...and it hates her...she is a tit...she also is mega stooopid her IQ is a mere 126 when mine is an awesome 148....oh...and she lives in luna park....
I was once attacked by pop n fresh but i poked him in the belly and he giggled and ran away...
I have sisters aswell....and a mum and dad....i also see jess n tegan as extended family...
P.S i secretly think tegans a ganga...actually its not so secret that i think that...
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