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About Me

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I am a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 3. I love children with all of my heart. I love people and especially single mother's who are in tough times--because I love to reach out to help them and thier children get on the right path of life. I have been know a time or two to be there as a support system for mother's who are expecting. I usually stay with them from one week before the babies are born and am present during the births of thier children. It is amazing. After they leave the hospital, I stay with them to help mommy adjust to the new baby and am there when the new mommy is healing. Another thing about me- is I do NOT judge people. So please don't be afraid to ask me to be your friend or share your feelings and life experiences with me. What u do is up to u. But what I do like is to talk about Jesus. I do NOT preach to people. I am a striaght forward person and love the Lord; obviously I am a full all out Christian. I will not thump you with a Bible over your head...hehehe, but I will share my testimony with you and everyone that crosses my path, because I am extremely greatful for all that my Lord has done for me. I am a wife of a trucker and fisherman. I absolutely adore him. Dean-O is the love of my life and God has truly blessed us._______ ..

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jesus himself a href=""m yspace layout I would also like to meet people who are strong, christian, caring and just all around great people.

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Date: Jul 19, 2007 2:05 PM

Rolla Police Department
1007 N. Elm St.
Rolla , Mo. 65401
(573) 364-1213
Fax (573) 364-6346

Please look at the picture, read what her mother says, then forward this message on.

My 13 year old girl, Ashley Flores, is missing.
She has been missing for now two weeks.

Maybe if everyone passes this on, someone will see this child.
That is how the girl from Stevens Point was found by circulation
of her picture on tv. The internet circulates even overseas,
South America , and Canada etc.
Please pass this to everyone in your address book.
With GOD on her side she will be found.

"I am asking you all, begging you to please
forward this email on to anyone and everyone
you know, PLEASE.

It is still not too late. Please help us. If anyone
knows anything, please contact me at:
HelpfindAshleyFlore s@yahoocom
I am including a picture of her.

All prayers are appreciated! ! "

It only takes 2 seconds to forward this.

If it was your child, you would want all the help you could get!!
(in order to include the picture you MUST reply to the poster, highlight all the info, go From: Christy
Date: Jul 19, 2007 3:25 PM

From: ?MARTS?
Date: Jul 19, 2007 5:23 PM

mspmb src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale

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