Anyone and everyone who's fabulous!!!
Dazed and Confused, Empire Records, Moulin Rouge, Eurotrip, Half baked, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Wizard of Oz, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, The Goonies, Monster Squad, Breakfast club, Casino,Dirty Dancing, super Troopers. So basically I like a movie if its funny, makes me think , and is just good in general!
I don't get to watch TV that much, but I like to catch anything entertaining, music videos, Invader Zim, family guy, Sex in the City, friends, House, What about Brian, Law and Order, and whatever else is on at the moment.
..'The fight club', Danielle Steele, Edgar Allan Poe, Cosmo and other stuff I can't remember or don't care to remember
People who stick up for what they believe in, People who aren't chicken shit to tell people what they think, People who are honest with one another, People who have good hearts and good intentions.