Love to cook; fish( I even clean, scale and gut my catch!), read and watch horror stories; and best of all? Do things with my two grown children when they come to visit with me!
YOU of course!! I don't need any knives in my back-I don't have enough bandaids to stop the "ow-ies"!! I'd also like to see "The Wall" in Washington, D.C.; and just meet pther veterans to see how they are doing!! Thanks to all servicemembers-active-duty, retired,etc. for your courage, bravery, and hard work-no matter if you think you didn't do anything worthwhile, you most certainly did! God bless each and every one of you!
Bread, Moody Blues, {soft rock in general}, Tangerine Dream; Classical; Jazz and even some hard rock such as Ozzy Osbourne and AC/DC
Anything with Danny Kaye, Helen Hayes, Three Stooges, Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin {for oldies}; both b&w classic & color HORROR shows(notice the caps??-lol); and Comedies!
House; Grey's Anatomy, and many of those CSI dramas-lol, House, and comedy shows when I can find any on TV
Anything by Stephen King, Anne Rice, Dean Koontz; most any horror writer; Jackie Collins books; and crossword puzzles if there's nothing else to read
God; my grandparents; my mom; dad and his wife;-my two children, my brother, and all the men and women in our armed forces who are active, inactive, retired, and disabled.