As He turned the corner, I called out his name. I felt so ashamed that...
It Wasnt YOu!
Shawshank Redemption, Mystic River, Little Miss Sunshine, Hotel Ruwanda, Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Enemy of the State, Kingdom of Heaven, Crash, Across the Universe, Love Actually, Bridget Jones' diary (1+2), The Best Man, M.I.B, Malcolm X ( the movie), Syriana.
Prison Break!!!, Boston Legal, Def. Jam Poetry, Six Feet Under, CSI, South Park, Simpsons, Desperate House wifes, MTV's Made, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and DemocracyNow!
The Alchemist, The Animal Farm, The Lord of the Flies, Orientalism: Edward Said, Girlfriend in a Coma, Invisible Monsters, Rise and Shine: A Novel, The witch of Portobello, Promiscuities, Dork Whore, The Private Lives of the Impressionists, All Things Fall Apart: An African Novel, The Contortionist's Handbook, And basically All of the Post-Secret books!
My Moms N' Pops, and the Prophets(SCW)