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It's Not Dance Music

About Me

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Life is an experience you did not request, but were given

Your journey is influenced by all you hear and see

As life's experiences accumulate, so do the years on your soul

Being able to have sounds you assembled fall upon ears of a fellow traveler

on this experience we call life

is itself an experience

Having that traveler enjoy and contemplate those sounds

lightens the load on one's soul

"Just Another Day in the Nam" tried to give a feel of tension and uncertainty, with small windows of calm.The sound of a Huey Helicopter is like no other sound in the world, well that is if you were in Vietnam. This tune is dedicated to The Vietnam Friedship Village

"A walk through Mr. Feeble's Brain" This 10 minute 56 second venture is just that, a walk inside a somewhat delusional brain with visions of the past mixed with visions that may not have ever happened. Mr. feeble wants you to remember him, will you? Not for the faint hearted this venture should not be taken lightly, and once started should be allowed to conclude. Use headphones cranked up recommended

"Greenpeace Dream" dedicated to the courageous crew's that sail the sea's for Greenpeace

"Vastness of the Universe" As a child I remember looking up at the stars and trying to comprehend how large the universe really was. This piece tries to convey that vastness.

Check out It's Not Dance Music's Remix of echostream's Just Kill Me

My Interests


Member Since: 16/04/2005
Band Members:
Influences: Dead Can Dance, Kraftwerk, Art of Noise, Kate Bush, Peter Gabriel, Ashwin Batish, Sheila Chandra, Ravi Shankar, Donovan, Robbie Robertson, Deep Forest, Enigma, Orb, Jefferson Airplane, I Ching, ELO, Beatles, Muslimgauze, Pablo's Eye, Robert Schroeder, Burning Babylon, Dennis Donnelly, LAURIE ANDERSON, Moody Blues, The Residents, Firesign Theatre, Jimi Hendrix, Robin Trower, B.B. King, Pink Floyd, Brian Eno, David Byrne, The Persuasions, George Harrison, Keiko Matsui, Alien Autopsy, Windy G, Ringo Starr, Vanessa Mae, The United States of America, The Doors, Devo, John Lennon, Etc.
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

the high cost of nuclear waste
Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 10:15:00 GMT