spending time with my little sisters, reading, indie films, chicago style steppin', finishing school, poetry, anti-bush rallies of any kind and the socio-economic advancement of my people..."some day we'll all be free...".
angela davis, my nieces, my nephews, my grandfather, tupac and ozzie davis.
stevie wonder and all other kinds.....except heavy metal (i just don't get it).
you guys already know..... the greatest of all time: love jones.
cookin' with g. garvin, cosby show, fresh prince and 227 reruns, queer eye (as much as i hate to admit it) and PBS.
quilting the black eyed pea, salvation, the stand, the norton anthology of poetry, my cook books, fahrenheit 451, the iceman's inheritance, they came before columbus, defending the spirit-a black life in america, the debt, of mice and men and the fire next time.
my dad, marcus garvey and the men and women in my family POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!! AMANDLA!!!