Obsidian Kingdom is born under the influence of the eve of the new millennium, a brainchild of the encounter between Rider G Omega (Guitar) and Croma LAN Ro (Drums), eager to take music to the edge of its most extreme aspects.Beyond years of ongoing depuration both in technique as well as style, they complete their inception in the year 2005 with Prozoid Zeta JSI (Guitar) and Fatal Error Pl(a)n (Bass), bestowing a more formal approximation to progressive music.The Pentarchy reaches its plenty in the year 2006, with the transoceanic arrival of Saten Haz Im Nu (Vocals), who becomes the visible face of Obsidian Kingdom and replaces Beren, who subsequently takes charge of the aesthetic identity of the group.Obsidian Kingdom’s first creation is named “Matterâ€, and appears in the year 2007 with the calling to become the band’s presentation card. It is a conceptual creation inspired in the four classical elements of nature, plus a fifth one that encloses them all, the Soul.The lyrical proposal that Matter confronts is centered on nature’s destructive potential, and the analogies between each element and its associated emotional states. All of this is shown under a descriptive and amoral perspective, and in the end, each and every verse flows into the devastating nihilism that encompasses the whole speech: nothing is certain but the inevitable disaster.The performances of Obsidian Kingdom are distinguishable by a carefully plotted staging, which emphasizes very much power and enthusiasm, combined with a certain theatrical sense staged around sober and punctual choreographies. The scene is always reigned over by the omnipresent symbol of the band, the seal of Matter, synthesis of all five elements.Until the date, Obsidian Kingdom holds the honor to have supported international acts such as AMON AMARTH (SWE), DESASTER (GER), INFERNO (CZE), ADULTERY (CZE), HOUR OF PENANCE (ITA), or DECAYED (POR), and shared the stage with consolidated local bands like ERED, VIDRES A LA SANG, THE BLEEDING SUN, DAWN OF TEARS, ANGELUS APATRIDA, RUNIC, IN NOMINE, VRADEMARGK, MOONLOOP, and ETHEREAL PAIN.Contact:
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