Yusuf profile picture


About Me

Hmmm...wel to sum it up in a nutshell...im a gujji guy hu smiles a lot :-D and tries to make others smile too...but i look very stooopid in the process. the post office is great too...oh and i used to live in sweden and cardiff...swedish post offices are also veryy goooood...

My Interests

Eatin...sleepin...blinking...the post office is great too...


I mite sound like a freshie by sayin this but yes i do love bollywood music. Love r&b, hip hop, rap n the slow jamz as wel. Not forgettin the classics..luther vandross..lionel ritchie so many others man... I'll listen 2 most music xcept tht hardcore rock shit..allow tht!


Movies... whenever you wanna go see one..people always are always like "can't make it today..gotta revise" But in reality they are soo fuckin cheap you know they're not coming cus it isn't Orange Wednesday!!! Anyway fav movies...Goodfellas, the recruit, pulp fiction, oceans 11, omg and my all time favourite ALADDIN! Funniest movie ever made...BORAT!!!


OMG the OC is the single greatest dramatic series in existance! totally lovin those Desperate housewives aswel! Lost, the apprentice, hustle oh n YEA YEA americas next top model is sum quality viewing... simpsons, punkd, futurama, i watch waaay 2 much tv man!


ermmm..how about no..

