I smile... A LOT ("Smile Beautiful" is probably my motto for life)
I love... probably TOO much
Hair excites me (that never happens)
Everyday, there is always something new
Everyday, my past still hurts me
The future wicked totally scares me
I have so much passion I feel like I am about to burst!
People change. I HAVE CHANGED.. not quite sure you heard me right...I HAVE CHANGED (loud enough for you?)
I am cold all the time.
In the morning, I tell myself that I am fucking amazing.
... you know what? I really am pretty effing amazing
I feel like a grown up. Weird
I wish I could erase November 10/11... seriously
I love color.. shiney stuff makes me smile.
I never cry... no srsly, if you can make me cry, think of it as some sort of compliment
Independent like whoa.
If you throw a rock at me, I will throw a boulder back. Be careful. mmk?
Little Boston Irish temper is often used when to describe me.
Mohawks are freakin unbelieveable. Ask me to give you one and I will LOVE IT.
Let me teach you how to rock out in your underwear. I do it at least twice a day :o)
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