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Yeah, i'm this guy here. to the left... Apparently 85% hotter than other blokes,Whatever!Anyway, Nice for you to click on my page! As you can see its nothing special. But it does the trick for now.I'm Chris Summers, I'm almost nineteen, and rarely called Chris, usually Summers at it stuck with me since Junior School. I began my schooling at Netley Marsh Infant School, and then went to Bartley Junior, Hounsdown Secondary and then onto Totton College where I was last year. now I'm apparently a ''big boy'' as i'm up at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College in High Wycombe studying Sports Management and Football Studies. Hoping to gain the relevant qualifications to get myself into the Sport/Football industry.Job-wise I've been working at the Haywain for the past two years as a chef. Now i'm up at uni i'm only planning to work there at term breaks and all summer next year..Up here, I'm working at another Brewers Fayre pub called the Papermill, i'm only working out in the restaurant/bar here.I've got a great set of mates, Those from home, Those from SF and most importantly than all, my really close mates I couldn't do without! You know who you are!So you wanna know more?I'm 5'11 i'm staying at John North Halls in High Wycombe on top of the Marlow (Bastard) hill. I'm rapidly becoming an alcoholic! I've got greeny blue eyes mousey brown mess of a hair and thats me kinda described as a person.If you want to know anything else, give me a shout i'm willing to answer all questions and will always make time to speak to people!Football wise I support Southampton FC who I have supported since my first match in 1989 (A 4-1 tanking of Liverpool!) Sadly the season before last we were relegated from the Premiership and spent most of last season dwelling around the less attractive end of the Championship. Nowadays we're sitting in a good place and working towards a decent finish this year ultimately in our case (hopefully!) finishing it with promotion back the the FA Premier League once more.I also play Sunday and Saturday league Sunday league I play/manage for FC Santos in the Meon Valley League Division 4 ( and on Saturdays I play for Cadnam United in Junior 2 of the Southampton league structure. I also represent the Southampton Internet Football Club, who are the internet fans of
Saints that travel up and down the country playing games and getting ''mingbatted'' before and after games.
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