Writing, singing, dancing, drawing, playing x-box, computers, talking, languages, society, people, history, music, beauty, nature, camping, love, passion, sensuality, sex, etc
Not looking for a relationship or anyone to hook up with. Already settled down for the rest of my life. I enjoy having an intellectual conversation or two with interesting individuals. So I guess I'm only looking to meet friends. And don't even try to meet me because you wanna fuck me. That just won't fly.
Alternative Rock, Country, Spanish, Hard Rock, Techno, Dance, R&B, Rap, Hip Hop, Goth, Pop
pretty much any movie I'll like. Favorites are Moulin Rouge, Resident Evil II, all Harry Potters, all Hannible Lecter movies, Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2, Lilo & Stitch
This Profile Pimped By Pimp-MySpace.org
The entire Harry Potter series has my shamefully addicted, any book by Dan Brown(Angels & Demons, The Da Vinci Code) or Thomas Harris (Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, Hannible), & Wally Lamb (She's Come Undone, I Know This Much Is True)
Sensei (for his impecable knowledge), Ray (for his complete understanding of my crazy world), Jenny (the one who knows me best), Hayley (my intellectual side), my parents (cause they've put up with my bullshit for years, for all their help, and sticking by my side when no one else was)