Work4Media supply's your multimedia needs for marketing and advertising, specializing in the music Industry.
Services Provided: Website Design - Promo Packages - CD/DVD Design - Business Cards - Flyers, E-Flyers - Posters - Banners - Brochures - Logo's - Postcards - Photo Retouching/Restoration - Video Editing.
Many thanks to past and present clients: Greg Sandfire and Eric Walker (Starwalkers), Brian O'Neal (BCO Media, Inc.) Rayse Biggs, Duane Parham, Gee Caver (Key of Gee), Lorie McEachin (Sistah Circular), Al Mckenzie (AMAC Records), Liz Hardy (Woman 2 Woman), Hump the grinder (Hairwars), 47UMA, David A. Lewis (poetry), Sweetlife, Joelle Gwynn (Positive Rhythms), Passion Productions, Power Management, Joyride, Ziam