music, art in general (fine arts, design,theater, literature...)blablabla. That s why I am so booo-ooring.
..if you ever get close to a human....that s why I am so looon-ely
once in a while some good ones. yesyes. that s why I am bound at a stanchion door with a red beret and a black cigarett in my moou-uuth.
good for throwing out of the window- thats why I am a rroock-staa-aar
you can use in a fight, for becoming a smart-ass, as a pocket tissue, as a painting underground, for paper tigers, in the morning glory- and don t forget the toilets. that s why I am so smaa-aart
Nietzsche,Schopenhauer, Arthur-le perroquet et Monsieur Bargeld., thats why I am soo daa-aark.