David Bowie, Beach Boys,The Beatles,Kate Bush, Cat Power,The Cure,Fréderic Chopin, The Doors, Bob Dylan,Dalida, Eels,Feist, Al Green, Marvin Gaye, Serge Gainsbourg, Hendrix,Iggy Pop,Jefferson Airplane,Janis Joplin, Mano Solo, Massive Attack, Lou Reed, The Rolling Stones,The Strokes, The Smiths, Velvet Underground,The White Stripes,Kim Wilde, Neil Young,Led Zeppelin
edouard aux mains d'argent, orange mecanique, cabaret, brazil, les amants du pont neuf, pulp fiction, Paris Texas, Diamant sur canapé, Las VegasParano,, Trainspotting, Monthy Pythons...
H. Arendt, Houellebecq, Kundera, Zweig, Romain Gary,Ghérasim Luca... diaporama léo leibovici
Marcel Duchamp, Joseph Beuys, Robert Filliou, Pablo Picasso, Martin Kippenberger, Peter Fischli & David Weiss,Yves Klein, Arman, César, Jackson Pollock, Eugène Delacroix, Rubens, Le Caravage, Raymond Depardon, Richard Prince, Paul McCarthy, jeff Koons, Andy Warhol, Claude Lévèque, John Lennon, Gandhi, Mere Théresa, Albert Einstein, Vincent van Gogh, Marlene Dumas,Martin Luther King, Michael Jackson, le Dalai Lama, jack Bauer...