I’ve started to look at the world through new eyes, and I’ve came to terms that I am not perfect, and that not everyone will always love me, appreciate or approve, of the things I do or who I am, and that’s perfectly ok. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, either way I am not going to change what I do, who I am or how I live for anyone, because I know people don’t always mean what they say, and that not everyone will always be there for me. I really don’t count on anyone being there for me, the only thing I can really count on is the unexpected, and most importantly myself. My (or anyone) truth and “beauty†is not only skin deep, or found on the surface, you got to dig deep down, and when you see that beauty, and find that truth, that is something truly beautiful. Scratch what you heard about me, I’m not like most blokes, in fact I am everything they're not. I get in life what I truly believe I deserve, trust me I had my fair share with liars, backstabbers, and cheaters, and all along they think they got the best of me, but I’m standing right here laughing right in their face. After all that I know what I deserve, and I deserve to be treated with love, sensitivity, kindness, and most importantly RESPECT, and I will not settle for anything less. My happiness is not found in a pill or bottle. I can have an amazing time doing anything and everything, laughter fuels my soul and that’s what truly makes me happy. Like I said before, I get in life what I truly deserve, but I work for it because anything worth achieving is worth working for, and that wishing for something to happen is different from working toward making it happen, because beside my family and friends success is the most important thing in my life, and I will make it happen. Absolutely nothing drugs, alcohol, or negative people will ever come between what I strive for in life and who I am going to be as a person. People will always have their own opinion about me good or bad and I am aware of that, but honestly I can really give a fuck about them. Trust me I will not put up with anyone’s bullshit, lies, and fake attitudes toward me or anyone that I care about. Don’t believe me? Test me, I dare you too, I can easily kill you with my kindness, but push me a little bit more over the edge, and I will beat seven shades of shit out of you =] I don’t fear anyone or anything but fear itself, however, I learned to step right through my fears, because I know whatever happens, I can handle it, and to give into fear? that’s just not me. Who taught me to be a strong person like this? My family, they taught me so much, and if I could give them the world I would, but even the world’s not enough. They taught me to stop trying to change the things that I can not change, but most importantly they taught me to admit when I am wrong, and to build bridges in stead of walls, to not always TRUST, but to let new people into my life, because in a way their supposed to be there. There are very few people in this world that I can count on, rely on, but there are those ( you know who you are) that I would take a bullet for , you are my family, I love you. I know that one day I am going to be the person I always dreamt of , and I know that god has a plan for me one day, I just got to design it the way I want to, but until that day comes I am just going to sit back, relax, live life, love (hopefully), and know that whatever tomorrow brings I will be there.
It is almost comical how much an individual learns in such a short amount of time.. you learn that no matter how much effort you put into something or someone.. how much your heart is intact or how high your good intentions are set, they will always forsee it.. run after malicious vindictive and wasteful matter and put you at the bottom of the list. what is even more comical is the other persons regret that soon follows.... the other individual adapts and accepts the fact that it is too little too late and that the season has come to fly away this new profound feeling of individuality and wisdom.. you don't always fall, crumble or break learning to fly.. sometimes you actually leap and take off.. and on your way you meet others .. lovers.. friends you do things you even doubted yourself of doing or trying... it is a beautiful accomplishment. believe me. I believe that no matter what is occuring around me.. how terrible or heart breaking it may get.. I will always find my way no matter in what direction I may decide to take of from and explore.. I will always love truely laugh purely and adore endlessly..
anyways...im a 24 year old, funny (well i think so anyways), outgoing (once i know ya), cheeky person, i've got two fantastic kids Rhiannon and Mckenzie they are 5 and 3. i've been seperated for years and divorced since 7th feb 07.....erm oh my god how hard is it to talk about yourself?...erm...im about 6ftish ive got brown hair short and spikey hair that goes more blonde in the sun...explains my blonde moments i guess erm...i live with me mam and dad..have done since i split with my ex-wife (she cheated on me)i've got hazel eyes and i've got four tattoo's ask me and i'll show ya...im gettin another one soon too...cant wait...i love playin footy and support newcastle united for my troubles :| i dont seem to have the best of luck with women, im not the "typical" bloke, but that doesn't mean i'm gay either, i like shopping and i like kissin and cuddlin, and i dont think most women understand that.i think i'm too shy at first and tend to rely on my cheekyness to get me thru things, it takes me ages to like someone and to trust them, it never used to but my ex being the daft ****** she had shattered my confidence, but once you get me to open up i'm honest and i'll tell ya anything! I dont lie, no point they always come back and bite ya on the ass. Anyways thats all i can think of at the minute...add me on msn if you wanna...
[email protected]
take care love prince™
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