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About Me

Tory --
A human transformer (Robot in disguise)
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Myspace Comments | Myspace Graphics | Myspace SurveysI'm Tory , commonly referred to as, T-Rod, Toz, Tozzie, Fuckhead....many names, you'll catch on one day....first and foremost, i am LEGAL BABY!!!!! which means i can now totally consume awesome...just like pacman! my opinion, is the fuckin bees knees and im not gonna lie...i do love it more than life, its fuckin awesome....10 things I will heart always: Subway breakfast, iced coffee, a bloody tasty amber beveridge, sports, Sleep, a good laugh, my mates, singing, music and Aimz! My number one girl! She's amazing :) :)...Thats pretty much my life right there in a sentence. I'm a dead set musicaholic....couldnt live without an ipod/itunes,LOVE writing my own songs...probably my favourite hobby!I WILL ALWAYS:Party Hard, Rock HARD! But Drink Even Harder!! Sing to most any song you know.....LOUD AND often badly Pretend i can play wicked at it. BE AN INSANE source for GOOD music...make long hair look good.......and more than likely have a lot of facial hairLOVE who framed roger rabbit.... it IS the best move ever if you dont think so.....I will fight you.Spend money on nothing! its how i wallet is barely ever stocked up with much other than recieptswear Trackpants and uggies when most people wear jeans....WEAR A SUIT to a party....when i dont have toBe around to talk to when someone needs me.....I now work out in the country as an offsider on a drill rig....if u cant get enough awesomeness outta this page, then add me on msn if u wanna chat

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

God and or Jesus, your fine self.....Bill Gates so i can possibly get like a 3 billion dollar loan so that i can get every1 i dont like assasinated, but ill get it done for cheap....figure that out if u can. If u cant dont worry about it. And the person who invented iced coffee!!!And any famous musician who would wanna buy my songs make them famous then give me mucho cash! :D:D

My Blog

This ones for the one girl whos changed me insanely

Thoughts Beaneath A Lovers BreathThere are reasons behind treason, And there are flaws in every cause, You can't mess with cycles of the seasons,Sometimes secrets are better kept behind closed doors, ...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 08:06:00 GMT

Pretty much a song for anyone whos ever wanted something really badly

Blue Skies, Neon Lights   What do I want? What do I need? What I want I can't have, and what I need, don't need me  Can't say I've ever had a lot, When a lot of what I've got, is nothingne...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 05:38:00 GMT