Tory --
A human transformer (Robot in disguise)
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Myspace Comments | Myspace Graphics | Myspace SurveysI'm Tory , commonly referred to as, T-Rod, Toz, Tozzie, Fuckhead....many names, you'll catch on one day....first and foremost, i am LEGAL BABY!!!!! which means i can now totally consume awesome...just like pacman! my opinion, is the fuckin bees knees and im not gonna lie...i do love it more than life, its fuckin awesome....10 things I will heart always: Subway breakfast, iced coffee, a bloody tasty amber beveridge, sports, Sleep, a good laugh, my mates, singing, music and Aimz! My number one girl! She's amazing :) :)...Thats pretty much my life right there in a sentence. I'm a dead set musicaholic....couldnt live without an ipod/itunes,LOVE writing my own songs...probably my favourite hobby!I WILL ALWAYS:Party Hard, Rock HARD! But Drink Even Harder!!
Sing to most any song you know.....LOUD AND often badly
Pretend i can play wicked at it.
BE AN INSANE source for GOOD music...make long hair look good.......and more than likely have a lot of facial hairLOVE who framed roger rabbit....
it IS the best move ever if you dont think so.....I will fight you.Spend money on nothing!
its how i wallet is barely ever stocked up with much other than recieptswear Trackpants and uggies when most people wear jeans....WEAR A SUIT to a party....when i dont have toBe around to talk to when someone needs me.....I now work out in the country as an offsider on a drill rig....if u cant get enough awesomeness outta this page, then add me on msn if u wanna chat