ABOUT.... ....
Name: Miyu Wilder Gore.... ....
Birthday: June 2 nd .... ....
Birthplace: Santiago, Chile
Zodiac sign : Gemini.... ....
Current Location: Santiago Chile...... ....
Eye Color: Dark Brown.... ....
Hair Color: Dark Brown.... ....
Height: 5.5 (1.65).... ....
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right handed.... ....
The Shoes You Wore Today: High-heeled boots .. i love boots.. .... ....
Your Weakness: Films .. Cats .. Love .. Chocolate... Music .. PsychoKillers .. Books .. Full moon .. ....
Your Fears: Vertigo ..
Your Perfect Pizza: Pepperonni !!
Food : Sushi, Italian and Vegetarian.. and  i
love desserts in general. ....
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: " Viddy Well Little Brother .. Viddy Well...." ....
Thoughts First Waking Up : .. Oh ! what time is it?!!.... ....
Your Best Physical Feature: according about what people say: My Lips and my eyes .. and my hands and legs...... ....
Your Bedtime: Late at night .. almost morning... im a nocturne freak.. ....
Pepsi or Coke: Â Coke!!! ...
Cats Or Dogs : CATS!!! =3 meww .
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton !.... ....
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate WITH Vanilla .... ....
Cappuccino or Coffee: Capuccino .... ....
Do you Smoke: Yeess .... ....
Do you Swear: Not really .. ....
Do you Sing: Sometimes…. ....
Have you Been in Love: A couple of times.... ....
Do you want to get Married : Im not the kind of girl who wants to get married really .. but life sometimes give some precious gifts.. and Now Im engaged .. xD !!.... ....
Do you belive in yourself : Obviously! .... ....
Do you think you are Attractive: I dont care about that really .. but it seems to be.. xD !.... ....
Do you like Thunderstorms: I love them ..are creepy.. and beautiful.... ....
Do you play an Instrument: Some ...... ....
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yes.... ....
In the past month have you Smoked : Yeeeh .... 10 mins ago…. ....
In the past month have you been on Drugs: No, never .. honestly Im not interested ....
In the past month have you eaten Sushi : Yeeeessss !! I loooove Sushi !! ....
In the past month have you been on Stage : Dancing.. at a Club.. huhuhu .... ....
How do you want to Die:  There..s a rumor about that says that  I ..m Already Dead... ....
What country would you most like to Visit: Germany .. Japan .. UK...... ....
In a Boy/Girl..: .... ....
Favourite Eye Color ( boyz ): Blue or Green or Hazel...... ....
Favourite Hair Color ( boyz ): Light brown...... ....
Short or Long Hair: ( boys ) not long but not too short. I like messy hairstyle in boys..
Height: (boys) Big and Tall ..
6.0 to 6.5 ....
Weight: (boys) i Like Big Guys .. =P I dont like skinny guys .. there are some things that you need to touch . ;D!!.... ....
Your Best Clothing Style: Im always dressed in black .. but i like to wear stylish accesories.. i have my own style of clothing a mix between vintage pin ups.. dark… 80s new wave.. industrial fetish and japanesse exotic.. xD !.... ....
Number of CDs I own: 498.... ....
Number of films i own : 357.... ....
Number of Books : 289 .... ....
Number of Piercings : 0.... ....
Number of Tattoos: None .. eventhough i love them.. ....
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Nothing really .. everything made me what i am today......and everything leads me to this happiness that im living now... ....
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