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Hello, My name is Cody and I will tell you how to get FREE MONEY because The More you Make, The More i make, This is no scam, Its a money pool which i will be happy to explain how it works. (BEFORE I Continue however, I will give you heads up for the Pool to keep flowing, This Process takes roughly $15.00 ToTal, to get started which will be reimbursed within the first week or so,( How Fast it Is reimbursed is Controlled by your effort (Which Minimal Work is sufficient.
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Thank you very much for responding to my advertisement. A short while after you begin this program you will realize what a remarkable money machine this is. Nine days after I began advertising on line, I received 23 envelopes. Each sender had enclosed $5.00. Forty seven days after my first advertisement appeared on line, my total receipts had risen to $8,654. I ran 15 ads for a two-week period and during that time, sent this file (minus the paragraph you're reading now) to 168 people. I stopped sending the file after I had received 23 envelopes; each one contained $5.00.I've just begun to run the program again and I'm amazed at how predictable it is. The results appear to be slightly ahead of last time.Your only risk in participating in this program is the $10.00 that you send to the list members and the few dollars that it cost to advertise and transmit the file to those who respond. You'll get that back in the first few envelopes. After that...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ... IT'S PURE PROFIT! ... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Remember, the program works because of the honesty of the participants.SEND YOUR 6 ENVELOPES (WITH A TOTAL OF $10.00) THE DAY YOU BEGIN THE PLAN. WORK THE PROGRAM HONESTLY AND DILIGENTLY AND YOU WILL REAP GREAT REWARDS.GO FOR IT! YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT!THE PROGRAM: ----------- This is a program for making LOTS OF MONEY real FAST. It is normally known as EASY CASH. You may have seen a MUCH LONGER version of this program on-line. This is the SHORT VERSION! NO letters needed and very inexpensive to E-Mail.Basically, it is a list of 10 people who have already joined by mailing money to others. If you join you must mail out $10 total. You join by mailing $1 to #1,2,3,4,5 AND mailing $5 to #10.You then edit the file to remove the name in #1. Move all the other nine names up one spot leaving #10 blank. Then you add your name next to #10. You then place classified ads on-line.When you get responses, you send them this entire file AS IS. Since you are then #10 on their lists, they will send you $5 per person that joins. You then move up to #9. When others join after them, you become #8, and so on.When you reach #5, you will then be receiving $1 from thousands of people who joined way after you since the list expands geometrically (see diagram in the SUMMARY at end).If only two people join after you, you get your $10 back in a week. Anything after that is pure PROFIT.Thousands of people have made BIG money with this program, as much as hundreds of thousands of dollars in two months!!If you'd like to join, just follow the green-brick road!WHAT IT COSTS: ------------- It costs $10 to join.WHAT YOU DO: ----------- READ THIS FILE COMPLETELY BEFORE USING IT!It is an EXCELLENT PROGRAM and if you use it, you are agreeing to ALL the terms in THE AGREEMENT at the end. Have fun making LOTS OF MONEY! I am.1. STORE THIS FILE in your CIS per area - described below. 2. MAIL $10 TOTAL OUT to people on the list - described below. 3. UPDATE THE LIST - add your name to it as described below. 4. PLACE ADS ON-LINE. 5. MAIL THIS FILE VIA E-MAIL - to all responses to your ad. until 20 of the responses have JOINED - described below. 6. WAIT FOR THE MONEY TO ROLL IN - spend it as you wish.WHAT TO EXPECT: -------------- 1. YOU WILL RECEIVE $5 FROM EACH PERSON WHO JOINS UNDER YOUR NAME. You get your $10 back IMMEDIATELY as #10 and here's the beauty of it...with ONLY TWO PEOPLE joining under you!!2. YOU WILL RECEIVE $1 FROM EACH OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE in two months. As each person joins, the names on the list move up and when YOUR NAME reaches position #5 you will receive $1 from thousands of people who have joined way after you. The sooner you join the better.HIGHLIGHTS: ---------- 1. Investment required: $10.2. Limited distribution: You will stop sending the file when 20 PEOPLE HAVE JOINED IMMEDIATELY UNDER YOU.3. Editing prohibited: You MAY NOT change ANYTHING in this file, other than deleting name #1, moving the names up one and adding your own name as #10.4. Upgrading allowed: You MAY use this file if you currently have any previous versions of the long file BUT YOU MUST STILL PAY #10 the $5 unless you already paid #10 for any other version.5. Step-by-step info: To help newcomers joining.6. 3-Point Checklist: To ensure you did everything right.7. 5-Point Agreement: a) If you send file out, you agree to all to all. b) If you don't agree, you MAY NOT send out this file to anyone.INSTRUCTIONS ------------Welcome to the world of Mail Order!This home business is a little different than most mail-order businesses. Your product is not solid and tangible, but rather a service.Basically, you are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality mailing lists.The money made from the mailing lists are secondary to the income which is made from people like yourself requesting that they be included in that list.WHAT YOU WILL NEED: Get the following SIX items BEFORE starting: ------------------- 1. 6 Envelopes - preferably business size 2. 6 Stamps - 29 cents each/ 50 cents for international 3. 6 Pieces of paper - large enough for one sentence 4. A Pen 5. 1 $5.00 bill (U.S. currency) 6. 5 $1.00 bills (U.S. currency)When you have stored this entire file, read it, and have everything you need above, follow the six sections below to begin. Now, Let's Go! Isn't this fun? It should be and you should be getting very excited at this point.1) STORE THIS FILE IN YOUR CIS (CompuServe) PER AREA: Or For WinCIM users: Leave the file in your DOWNLOAD directory.HOW TO STORE THIS ENTIRE FILE IN YOUR PER AREA. When CompuServe (CIS) asks after you read this file whether you want to FILE, DELETE, etc., type FILE. It then asks for a filename.Use something easy to remember like EASYCASH. CIS will store it in the PER AREA (YOUR files area) as EASYCA (CIS uses the first six letters only).If you are using the Windows WinCIM version, this file will be downloaded into your DOWNLOAD directory. Located in:C:..CSERVE..DOWNLOAD and named EASYCA.TXT.2) MAIL $10 TOTAL OUT: ------------------DO THESE STEPS IN ORDER:1. Address six envelopes to the names in the following positions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10NOTE: The last envelope goes to name 10 (TEN) (NOT name #6) IS RIGHT!2. Place a stamp on each envelope. 3. Write the following on each of the six pieces of paper: PLEASE ADD MY NAME TO YOUR MAILING LIST. 4. Insert each piece of paper in each envelope. 5. Insert a $1.00 bill in envelopes to: names 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. Insert the $5.00 bill in the last envelope to name 10. 7. Seal the six envelopes. 8. Mail the six envelopes.THIS IS A LEGITIMATE SERVICE THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING.YOU ARE PAYING $1 FOR THIS SERVICE TO EACH OF #1 - 5, AND $5 TO #10).If you did the eight steps above, go to 3 below. If you have not done the eight steps above, go back and do them NOW BEFORE going to step three below!3) UPDATE THE LIST AS FOLLOWS: -------------------------- If you have NOT done everything in (2) above you CANNOT continue! Go back to (2) above and AFTER you've done EVERYTHING there come back here to this section!1. REMOVE the name that appears as #1 on the list. 2. MOVE the other nine names up one position. (#2 will become #1 and #3 will become #2, etc.) 3. PLACE YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE IN THE #10 POSITION.4) PLACE ON-LINE ADS: ----------------- It is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL for you to ADVERTISE ON-LINE and to E-MAIL THIS COMPLETE FILE to people responding to YOUR advertisements.IF YOU DON'T advertise, you CANNOT generate responses AND THEREFORE, YOUR name (in the #10 position when you SEND the file) will NEVER move up and you will NEVER make money! You M U S T advertise on-line. If you advertise EXACTLY where you found this advertisement and in other CATEGORIES on the bulletin board, you will generate LOTS of responses (you REPLIED to my ad didn't you?).THE FOLLOWING IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED:1. SPACE AND CAPITALIZE YOUR SUBJECT. EXAMPLE: N E T W O R K M A R K E T I N G!This separates your ad from the clutter of everyone else's (since most people rarely use spaces between the letters). The reader will spot your ad because it S T A N D S O U T and will respond.2. USE EYE-CATCHING PHRASES: F R E E M O N E Y Who can resist responding to this? Did YOU? Make the subject irresistible. Spur the reader's curiosity.3. KEEP THE AD VERY BRIEF: EX: Press REPLY for THE BEST easy cash information. This saves you money in advertising. The shorter the better. Again, you responded and I saved money advertising. And so will YOU too.Don't worry about using the exact same ad as the one you read when you responded to my ad. You have my permission. I won't lose anything by it. If anything, my name will move that much faster up the list. So will YOURS, when the next person to reply to YOUR AD receives the file EASYCA from YOU.Use this exact same file, BUT YOU MAY NOT ALTER ITS CONTENTS, FORMAT, STRUCTURE, ETC., IN ANY WAY, MANNER, OR FORM OTHER THEN TO DELETE THE NAME IN THE #1 POSITION, MOVE ALL THE OTHER NAMES UP ONE POSITION, AND ADD YOUR OWN NAME IN THE #10 POSITION.This means: YOU MAY USE this file, BUT YOU MAY NOT ADD ANYTHING ELSE to it OR TAKE AWAY ANYTHING ELSE from it OR CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE IN IT. NOT one DOT.Why? Because this file has been thoroughly TESTED, REVISED, and RETESTED in market studies, and the results indicate that MORE THAN 98.3% OF THE PEOPLE RECEIVING THIS UNALTERED FILE WILL JOIN!Any alterations in this file at all, will NOT improve your response rate and will probably DRASTICALLY REDUCE RESPONSE RATE FROM 98.3% TO LESS THAN 13%!!Don't try to reinvent the wheel, it's already been invented just ROLL with it!For those of you still skeptical, why do you think there are so many variations of this file in CIS? Because they've all been tried, and revised, and THIS ONE, is the one that EVOLVED from those, and will PULL IN THE GREATEST RESPONSE.Go ahead, if you want, try the others, you'll soon see you are wasting precious time, money and the positive response rate won't even come CLOSE to THIS one.5) MAIL THIS FILE VIA E-MAIL: ------------------------ E-Mail this entire file AS IS when you get responses to your on-line ads UNTIL YOU HAVE 20 PEOPLE WHO JOINED under you. NOT everyone who receives the file will join. But most will. Note the ID#s of the people responding and then from the E-Mail main prompt (type GO EASY) type USE and follow the on-line instructions.HOW TO MAIL THE FILE: After you get E-Mail responding to your ad, you need to SEND them this ENTIRE FILE AS IS. Since you already saved it in your per area, or it is already in your DOWNLOAD directory, you can send it from there! Just BE SURE TO NOTE THE ID# of the person responding.AFTER you read and file his/her message (or delete, or whatever) and you've gone through ALL the messages, you'll be at the main prompt for E-Mail: COMPOSE, READ, etc. Just type the word USE. It will respond with FILE: Since the file you want to send is called EASYCA (see step 1 above), just type EASYCA. (No period at end of EASYCA.)CIS then asks what you want to do with the file EASYCA. Type it, send it, etc. Type SEND. Again, no period after SEND. It will then ask who you want to send it to. Since you already noted the ID# of the people responding to your ad, just type in the exact id#. If you want to send the file EASYCA to say, 7 people who inquired about it, just type a semicolon (;) after each ID# like this:Example: 70437,2301;72835,2834;100114,285;12345,6789;98765,1234; 2835,883;29356,1923Note there are 7 ID#s separated by semicolons. This is a great service by CIS because you can send the same file (EASYCA) to 7 people (or 7,000) one right after the other all in one shot! CIS will then notify you that the message has been sent and list each ID# sent to.For the WinCIM users, just use the Send File command to send this file to all the people who responded. You can also send to many people by including them in the CC: area. This is also a good way to build an address book by adding all the names to the address book area.WHAT COULD BE EASIER! It sounds complicated but it's a snap once you try it and you'll appreciate it after 2 or 3 tries. I explained this in detail for beginners.If you have any questions or need to practice sending a file, ask the person you received the file from how to do it. I'm sure they will respond quickly to your questions.6) WAIT FOR THE MONEY TO ROLL IN: ----------------------------- As soon as people responding to YOUR ads join YOUR list, THEY WILL EACH BE SENDING YOU THE $5 bill. So, for example, in a 2-week period, if you get 100 responses to join under you, you'll receive 100 x $5 = $500.Not bad considering you invested only $10 right! You may get less or LOTS MORE. At any rate, WHEN ONLY two PEOPLE JOIN YOU'LL HAVE YOUR $10 BACK!! (This will happen A LOT SOONER than you think, within a week you'll already be EVEN.)PLEASE NOTE: This is a TEAM effort. Everyone must adhere to the rules. If YOU send out to 500 responses who join, you'll make 500 x $5 = $2,500 BUT the list will SLOW DOWN since there will be less people available to join and the BIG money is with the $1 bills IN THE LONG RUN, NOT the $5 bills in the SHORT RUN!You WANT to allow others to join UNDER PEOPLE UNDER YOU so that the list can FLY! That's why it is SO IMPORTANT to STOP SENDING THE FILE ONCE YOU HAVE 20 PEOPLE WHO SIGNED ON IMMEDIATELY UNDER YOU. HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN TO STOP SENDING FILES OUT? WHEN YOU HAVE RECEIVED 20 $5 BILLS ($100)! Of course you may be receiving plenty of $1 bills in the meantime. That's O.K. Keep sending files out UNTIL you receive 20 $5 BILLS!You start at #10 and when your name reaches #5, you will be on thousands of lists. IF YOU DO NOT PUT YOURSELF IN #10, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE THE $5 FROM EACH AND EVERY PERSON YOU SEND THIS FILE TO (WHO IS ALSO REQUIRED TO SEND $5. TO #10. THAT'S YOU ON THEIR LIST)!WITHIN 60 DAYS YOU WILL RECEIVE OVER $50,000.00 IN CASH!!! ----------------------------------------------------------KE EP A COPY OF THIS FILE FOR YOURSELF so that you can use it AGAIN AND AGAIN whenever you need money. As soon as you mail out these letters you are automatically in the mail- order business and SOME PEOPLE WILL BE SENDING YOU $1 to be placed on your mailing list and THE PEOPLE YOU SEND THE FILE TO, WILL BE SENDING YOU $5 to also be placed on your mailing list. This list can then be rented to a mailing list broker that can be found in the Yellow Pages for additional income on a regular basis. The list will become MORE VALUABLE AS IT GROWS in size.This is a service. This is perfectly legal. If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18, Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the postal lottery laws.NOTE: Make sure you retain EVERY name and address sent to you, either on computer or hard copy, but DO NOT discard the notes ("Please add my name to your mailing list.") they send you. This is PROOF that you are truly provide service and should the IRS or some other Government agency question you, you can provide them with this proof!BEGIN LIST OF PARTICIPANTS -------------------------1. Phil Wells P.O. Box 643 Milford, OH 45150 ............................................................ ............................................................ ..............................................2. Michael Nutt 2713 Cladius Dr, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 ............................................................ ............................................................ ..............................................3. Mike Babson 121 Lindsey Dr. Jacksonville, NC 28540 ............................................................ ............................................................ ..............................................4. Daniel Mclaughlin 4308 High Springs Ct Arlington, TX 76016....................................................... ............................................................ ...................................................5. John Scovel 5503 Oak Branch Drive Arlington Texas, 76016 ............................................................ ............................................................ ..............................................6. Martha Katona 2323 E. Cherry, Apt. D Springfield, MO 65802 ............................................................ ............................................................ ..............................................7.Mitee Marketing P.O. Box 19380 Johnston, RI 02919 ............................................................ ............................................................ ..............................................8. Matt Davis 1005 Wood Fayetteville, AR 72701....................................................... ............................................................ ...................................................9. Stephen Bridge List Service 1070 Mearns Meadow Blvd., #1422 Austin, Texas 78758....................................................... ............................................................ ...................................................10. Travis Pohl 3807 Ivywood Court Arlington Texas, 76016 ............................................................ ............................................................ ..............................................END LIST OF PARTICIPANTSSUMMARY ------- 1. FILE this file as EASYCA in your CIS PER area. Type FILE. USE EASYCA (for EASY CASH) or any other name for name of this very special file.2. MAIL $10 TOTAL OUT: Do the 8 steps in Section 2.3. UPDATE THE LIST: Do the 3 steps in Section 3.4. PLACE ADS all over the bulletin boards. The more the better. a. NOTE ID#s of everyone when you get inquiries to your ads.5. E-MAIL THIS EXACT FILE TO OTHERS: Type USE at E-Mail main prompt. a. When CIS asks what file, type EASYCA b. When CIS asks what to do with file, type SEND c. When CIS asks SEND to who, type ID#If you want to send file EASYCA to many, type ID#;ID#;ID#; ID#;...; ; etc., in other words, ID#s separated by semicolons.6. WAIT FOR THE MONEY:When the $1 bills starts rolling in, in about 4 - 5 weeks, be ready for it! (Don't forget that the $5 bills will begin rolling in MUCH SOONER: give it a week, but don't be surprised if in 3 - 4 DAYS you start getting them as you well should! -- a few days after people you send the file to read it and join by sending you $5.)If you send the file to 10 people who join, and they all send to 10 who join, and those 10 send to 10, etc., this is how fast your name will move to #1:DIAGRAM -------THEY SEND TO YOUR # ON THIS MANY LISTS YOU SEND TO 10 10 10 THE $5 ROLL IN: 10 9 100 =$50.00 100 8 1000 1000 7 10000 10000 6 100000 100000 5 1000000 THE MONEY ROLLS IN: 1000000 4 10000000 = $$$!! 10000000 3 100000000 100000000 2 1000000000 1000000000 1 10000000000Now let's get REAL here...YOU'RE NOT going to receive BILLIONS of dollars despite how good the numbers look.Why not? Because, unfortunately, SOME OF YOU are NOT going to DO IT. So of course, those won't get ANY money BUT the VAST MAJORITY OF YOU WILL DO IT (over 98.3% positive response): send the money and the files out. YOU WILL DEFINITELY RECEIVE MONEY.However, no matter how good in theory, sooner or later the process breaks down so INSTEAD OF RECEIVING BILLIONS OR MILLIONS, you'll only receive a few thousand or hundred thousand or so. But at that point, WHO REALLY CARES? That's MORE MONEY THAN MOST PEOPLE MAKE IN A YEAR IN A FULL-TIME JOB!And when the money finally stops, guess what?, you can do it ALL OVER AGAIN!!7. GOOD LUCK!! And the money is great and everything, but remember, HAVE FUN depositing the money in your bank account.CHECKLIST ---------1. Did you mail $1 to each of #1, 2, 3, 4, 5? 2. Did you mail $5 to #10 only? 3. Did you place on-line advertisements?If you DID ALL of the above, YOU'RE READY to receive responses and mail this file out and receive money.If you MISSED ANY OF THE 3 STEPS in the checklist above, DO THEM RIGHT AWAY so you can begin to receive responses and thus receive money.THE AGREEMENT -------------1. You agree that you will send out a $1 bill to each of the names listed in positions #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND that you will send out a $5 bill to the name listed in position #10 only, for a total investment of $10, BEFORE sending this file to anyone or posting it on any bulletin board.2. You agree to use this file exactly as when you received it in accordance with Section 4) Place On-line Ads. That is, you agree you will not alter this file, unless you're merely moving the names from positions 1-9 up one position, in order, and adding your own name to position #10.3. You agree that you will stop sending this file when you have 20 PEOPLE who JOINED immediately under you so that the names can move up MUCH faster so EVERYONE can make money faster. Including YOU.4. You agree that you voluntarily asked for this file and that you are not obligated to join if you choose not to.5. You agree that by sending this file out to anyone, you fully read and understand all the terms in this file and the agreement and will abide by the agreement at all times

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Thank you very much for responding to my advertisement. Ashort while after you begin this program you will realize whata remarkable money machine this is. Nine days after I beganadvertising on line, I...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 00:49:00 GMT