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Member Since: 02/12/2006
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Band Members:Caroline McCaskey, Cole Ingraham and Terrell Liedstrand all met in the fall of 2005 in the Conservatory of Music at the University of the Pacific. Caroline was coming to the conservatory as a freshmen and Terrell was just beginning his first year as a grad student there. Before school began Caroline and Terrell were taking a music theory placement exam, which was crazy, and afterwards Terrell’s family was around and they kicked up a bunch of some sweet jammin. Then Caroline walked by and was like "whaoooo dude. uummm. Hey dudes, let me grab my fiddle." And thus the spark of old-time fiddle music rang. Today Caroline is a junior at Pacific. She is majoring in Music Composition in the Conservatory, as well as playing principal viola in the University Symphony. Caroline has been playing violin for 11 years, fiddle 9, and viola for 1. Cole is a recent graduate of the University of the Pacific with a BM in Music Composition from the Conservatory. He is currently studding for his MFA in Electronic Music at Mills College in Oakland, CA. Terrell has been a folk musician for most of his life, playing guitar, mandolin, and fiddle with his family as well as many other musical groups. He has a BA in Psycology and was beginning work towards Certification as a Music Therapist at University of the Pacific. He now plays music with the FiddleRats, Forrest Day, Mt. Diablo String Band, and Oakland Unified School dist.
Sounds Like: THeSe ARe NoT Our ViDEo"s. THesE aRe JuST SoME ExAmplEs of tHe Style oF MusIC wE PlaY... We HaVe sOme VidEO FoOtagE.. BUt I NEeD THiS caBle tO get On mY cOmputer
Record Label: Unsigned

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