aNgeLyn profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

hA! hA! hEllo eVry1!! uMmm.. aKo si Mary Angelyn Abrogar.. MuH friEnds cAll me Angie or Anj.. (mamiLi nA lAng kAyo) ai nAku! akO?! mAXADo AkonG mOody.. anD ryt nOw, i Hav a FeeliNg oF pain in mY Heart 'cOz sOmeoNE jUst bRoke it... :( hUhuhuhuhu! lOngs stOry.. aHh bAstA! tAo naman aKO na HarMleSS... ;p anD lAstly, FrieNDly PoH akOh!!! sOBwa...!! :P

My Interests

BoYz!!! bWaHahHAhaha! JokE lAng!;p it INcludEs TExtinG, pApasYal pAsyal, mAg cHAt, sURt ng NEt aNd MAgdAsaL.... (tRue yUn! as OF noW!;p)

I'd like to meet:

oF coURse yUng tAo dIn!^_^ TaOng tAo uNg uGAli ang tAong KauSap...^_^ GEt it?! LaM kO nmN na lHt tayO -- TAO! so, I lyK to mEEt aLL of yOu!! (aDD me uP! aigHTz!?)


R'nB, tPos acOustiKz aNd Ung mEjo gRoovY... hehehehe!^_^


"What dreams may come", LOTR 1 & 2, Haryy Potter 1 & 2


LG (bRand .. hHEhehehhehe) SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS, jUst 4 LAugh aND fEar FactoR!!^_^


hArry pOtTer... ^_^ (gWabe!!!) anD LittlE wOmen... ^_^


DARNA!! HehehEHEhE.... UmMMM.. si SpidErmAn... ;) (coZ of toBy... HehHEhEHe)