BoYz!!! bWaHahHAhaha! JokE lAng!;p it INcludEs TExtinG, pApasYal pAsyal, mAg cHAt, sURt ng NEt aNd MAgdAsaL.... (tRue yUn! as OF noW!;p)
oF coURse yUng tAo dIn!^_^ TaOng tAo uNg uGAli ang tAong KauSap...^_^ GEt it?! LaM kO nmN na lHt tayO -- TAO! so, I lyK to mEEt aLL of yOu!! (aDD me uP! aigHTz!?)
R'nB, tPos acOustiKz aNd Ung mEjo gRoovY... hehehehe!^_^
"What dreams may come", LOTR 1 & 2, Haryy Potter 1 & 2
LG (bRand .. hHEhehehhehe) SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS, jUst 4 LAugh aND fEar FactoR!!^_^
hArry pOtTer... ^_^ (gWabe!!!) anD LittlE wOmen... ^_^
DARNA!! HehehEHEhE.... UmMMM.. si SpidErmAn... ;) (coZ of toBy... HehHEhEHe)