Sean Connery. Honestly, the guy is amazing. Here are a few facts about Sean that you probably won't find on his Wikipedia page. Sean Connery possesses the ability to grow to at least 30,000 feet tall. He can cause sexual excitement in females by nearly winking at them (that's right, he doesn't even have to really wink, just an almost wink or a random eye twitch will work). In 1962 he created the continent of Antarctica by shaving his beard. Once, while traveling across the plains of Africa, he fought off a pack of wild, starved hyenas with some dental floss and an empty paper bag. Typically Sean travels upon the backs of two polar bears that he taught how to fly, though he occasionally uses a Vespa S 125 that uses freshly cut grass as fuel. No one spoke or wrote until the venerated Mr. Connery created language in the late 1980’s…rumors persist that Thomas Jefferson assisted in this development, however so far Sean has neither confirmed nor denied Mr. Jefferson’s involvement. Sean used to have 4% body fat, until one day he pinched that fat off his butt and used it to make Elizabeth Hurley. In addition to these feats, Sean Connery has been credited with inventing: oxygen, Peek-A-Boo, Harry Potter’s glasses, the color yellow, food stamps, chest hair, lamp shades, seat cushions and duck bills. He also recommends the usage of Chap Stick at least thrice daily.
Dream Theater, Disciple, Red, Butch Walker, Foo Fighters, Seven Dust, Slipknot, Audioslave, Michelle Branch, Mudvayne, Disturbed, Collective Soul, King's X, Breaking Benjamin, Korn, With Faith or Flames. You know, somthing just looks out of place here.
Serenity, The Prestige, Stardust, X-Men III, X-Men 1 & 2, Spider-Man again 1, 2 & 3, Snatch, Ocean's Eleven, Last Samurai, Pulp Fiction, You've Got Mail, Serendipity, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Formula 51, Fifth Element, Tombstone, Man on Fire, Sin City, Spanglish, V for Vendetta, The Illusionist
Dead Like Me, Angel, Scrubs, Heroes, CSI
Neverwhere, American Gods, Stardust, Season of Mists, The Book of Five Rings, Othello, The Art of War, Smoke and Mirrors, Small Gods
There can be only one hero......An' I pity da foo who disagrees!!!!