I am writing you this letter to inform you how I feel because it’s hard at times to express unless of course we are undressed but even them I must confess it’s hard to speak. None the less I will write this letter because the introduction of you into my life makes it that much better and for this I am truly thankful. You know I never told you that one night while you were sleeping I watched you, and for the first time in my life I knew I was happy so happy in fact that all the love I’ve given to other women I wanted back. Every tear I cried I wanted back because I felt like a fool, all I had to do is wait 29 years to find you or did you find me laughing to myself while you were sleeping I placed my hand in the small of your back and you moved closer as if you needed my touch when the truth be told it is I who needs you. So I held you tighter and as you opened your eyes you said what’s wrong baby, and I could only reply, Thank You. You moved closer and embraced me and said no thank you as you kissed my lips as the tears fell I knew I was happy because of you and me see we have us and for the first time in my life, us is enough and I kissed you. I kissed you deeper than the ocean floor because words I couldn’t speak. The tears made my voice box to weak so I kissed you more. Not being capable of controlling the urge I felt to be inside of you, knowing that was the closest I would ever come to being one with you. Bound by your heart I am one with you and you with me and we made love. I spoke to you, I spoke without using words, I spoke to you so loud I know the neighbors heard but I don’t care I want them to hear. I want them to know that my heart is yours and I can’t deny that I would die for you, I would live for you and if the moon, the stars, and the heavens were mine to give, I’d give to you, The love that you gave that night opened doors that I dared to walk through all because of you.LOVING, ME