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Thanks to all the Models on myspace, You all are THE BEST ........

About Me

THANK GOD IM A COUNTRY BOY.....Former Second generation Firefighter,Graduated from Bellbrook High school,Took Emergency Victim care at Ceaderville College. I grew up on a Farm,and have a Meat Mgrs, degree from IBP.Raised 140 cattle for a large farming opperation.My family to this day still work a 2,000 acre Farm..Please dont judge me till you no me,God has the final say anyway...Please EMAIL ME AT. [email protected]
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My Interests

Hunting,fishing,camping, motorcross,Im a farmboy what did you expect....I would also like to say to all that added me that,I value all of you as friends,THANKS SO MUCH.....Special thanks to Debbie! Visit her at: DEBBIE DEBBIEYankee Doody
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I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet a lady that is honest & that loves the great outdoors& belives in GOD....

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Id love to meet Debbie in person,These girls are the true heros thats why there top freinds they work hard AND DONT FORGET FRIENDS....Please add Debbie at P.SIn all the time I have been a Fireman,I would say the nicest,most positive Person I have ever took time to no is DEBBIEXO.She showed me there is alot to be greatful for in this World.As a popular Model this Beautiful lady took Her time, to support me & care in a time of need..I will never forget Debbie.I truly believe God sent her to talk to me...Debbie will always be at #1 on my friends list...Thanks Debbie this MYSPACE is Dedicated to you,I will never forget...JOHN,FF,

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From: ALEX DEL MONACCO ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From:


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Books are great as long as they teach ya something.... "

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Tamar Date: Jan 10 2007 6:56 AMThe Firefighter StoodThe firefighter stood and faced his God, Which must always come to pass He hoped his shoes were shining, Just as brightly as his brass."Step forward now, you firefighter, How shall I deal with you? Have you always turned the other cheek? To My Church have you been True?"The firefighter squared his shoulders and said, "No, Lord, I guess I ain't because those of us who fight fire, Can't always be a saint.I've had to work most Sundays, And at times my talk was tough, And sometimes I've been violent, Because the streets are awfully toughBut, I never took a penny, That wasn't mine to keep... Though I worked a lot of overtime When the bills got just too steep,And I never passed a cry for help, Though at times I shook with fear, And sometimes, God forgive me, I've wept unmanly tears.I know I don't deserve a place Among the people here They never wanted me around Except to calm their fears.If you've a place for me here, Lord, It needn't be so grand, I never expected or had too much, But if you don't, I'll understand."There was a silence all around the throne where the saints had often trod As the firefighter waited quietly,For the judgment of his God,"Step forward now you firefighter, You've borne your burdens well, Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets, You've done your time in Hell.......
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My HEROS ARE ALL THAT DIED ON 9-11- and all the Troops... Body: Local Firefighter Body: My father was a fireman, he drove a big red truck, And when he'd go to work each night, he'd say, "Mother wish me luck". Then Dad would not come home again, 'til sometime the next day,But the thing that bothered me most, was the things some folks would say. A fireman's life is easy, he eats and sleeps and plays, And sometimes he don't fight a fire for days and days and days.When I first heard these comments, I was too young to understand Cause I knew, when people had trouble Dad was there to lend a hand.Then my father went to work one day and kissed us all good-bye, But little did we realize, that night, we all would cry. My father gave his life that night, when the floor gave way below, And I wondered why he'd risk his life, for someone he didn't know. But now I realize, the greatest gift a man could give, Is to lay his life upon the line, s o that someone else may live. So as we go from day to day, and we pray to God above, Say a prayer for your local fireman, he may save the one you love....Thanks to Alex Del Monnaco..

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