the name'sJessica
i'm not a BiTCH, i'm just bRUtAllYh0NESt
i'm T0uGH
- - i'D rather ask f0RGiVENESS than PERMiSSi0N - - TRuCKS & MuD = L0VE
TRuTH: i'm SiX feet tall
i'm a GE0RGE StRAitjUNKiE ♥
yeah, mY T0NGUE iS PiERCEd
- - i DrEaM as iF i'LL LiVE forever;; & LiVE as iF i'LL DiE ToMoRRoW - -
& I swear this town gets smaller everyday
there is almostalways a SMiLE on my face :)
i want to make a DiFFERENCE in the world
life is too short to fr0wn
i'm a country girl & PRoUD
i wAnnA slEEp undEr a DiFFERENTPiECE oF SKy
i L0VE the 0utd00rs
- - ♥ MoPAR oR No CaR BaBY ♥ - - music is a big part of my life
my FRiENDS mean the world to me
& my FAMiLy means more
i always make a wish at 11:11 SiNGiNG is a passion of mine
i believe that home is the most beautiful place i've ever seen.
i love taking PiCTURES
i am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason
i'm Daddy's LiL GiRL & He'LL Always be my HeR0 LiFE is the most unbelievable gift
oh, yeah, && . .i'm the GiRL y0u'LL nEvEr bE =]
i'm one in a billion ♥♥♥