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New CD "My Own Personal Watermelon"
Reviews of Suzy Callahan ............................................................
................................................... Harp - Fred Mills: "Callahan’s more like Neko Case bum-rushing the freakfolk scene, her full-throated vocals (with a charming touch of wispy breathiness) transforming acoustic tracks such as the hypnotic “Eye Level†and the jaunty, psychedelic “Oh Yeah†into anthems of strong femme resolve. Abetted (as on Happier) by her old Devils chum, guitarist Scott Tyburski, Callahan’s an under-the-radar must-hear." ............................................................
................................................... PopMatters - Jason MacNeil: "Judging by the highbrow pop saturating title track, it’s difficult not to think that Suzy Callahan has been tutored by Neko Case on the discography of The Moody Blues. Callahan’s strong but soft pipes give the medieval-sounding number its depth despite the lyrics being a bit odd and quirky. It’s a nice introduction to her work which veers between Brit-folk and coffeehouse singer-songwriter ... better is the barren and bleak “Never Lonely in Austin†which highlights her voice, her strong lyrics and a light, airy arrangement. Callahan doesn’t stray from her strengths but the departure she offers with “I Built a House for Frank Lloyd Wright†pays off in spades, resembling a cross between Case and Lucinda Williams. Although clocking in at 30 minutes, Callahan maximizes the quality here with the short and tender “Mr. Right†and the interesting rock-meets-roots of “We Have a History." ............................................................
................................................... ReadJunk - Adam Coozer: "Wonderfully weird folk-pop. Callahan’s unique vocals can seem monotone at first, but a close listen reveals nuance and surprising range. She also has full possession of her voice; meaning, that even off-key or strange vocal inflections are by design and work well with the music. The songs are cleverly written, with accompaniment that is low-key and intimate, but also lushly psychedelic and rhythmic. This (My Own Personal Watermelon) is a short 6-track CD (with two filler interludes), but it’s effective and solid. (4 Stars)" ............................................................
................................................... All Music Guide - Jonathan Widran:
"Don't let the strange title (Freedom Party for Insects) fool you because you don't qualify for the guest list — the former lead singer of the critically acclaimed '90s indie folk-funk band Devils Wielding Scimitars is a seriously poignant, haunting songwriter when she's not engaging us with her biting, whimsical humor. Blending darkness with guarded optimism and bright irony with cathartic sadness, Callahan's engaging, folk-influenced pop songs have become quintessential under-the-radar hits just screaming out for a wider audience. ... The clever and wistful title track finds her writing an environmentally conscious tune that, like most of her others, ends up as something of a metaphorical love song. ... Showing off her dark humor, she contemplates what it might be like if "I Built a House for Frank Lloyd Wright." Her ultimate optimism shines through on the percussive country-flavored rocker "We Have a History," which speaks positively about couples who stick it out for years while so many partners run off and have affairs. The bugs are invited, but the rest of us are the ones who are going to have a good time with Callahan." ............................................................
.................................................... Smother - J-Sin: "I loved her previous album “Happier Than Everybody Else†so to say my expectations for this follow-up (Pullling All the Rind Off) were large is the understatement of the year. Fortunately for her and me and all of her fans she delivers the goods. Her dynamic vocals envelope you in their tender grasp as her fingers tickle your emotions and tug a bit on the old heartstrings. The atmospheric soundscapes that her voice emanates from develops from track to track as some brilliant look across the vast universe that is pop without reveling in histrionics. Perfect lyrics that give us a glimpse into that imagination of hers are just the cherry on top of some of the best indie pop ice cream I’ve gorged on in quite a while." ............................................................
................................................... KCRW - Eric Lawrence: "Tough on the Outside", Best of 2005 playlist.