spending time with my family and friends and my doggies, reading, drawing, learning about culture and about people
Rap, R&B, Old School, Christian, classic rock and a little of everything else
I can't pick one. I don't sit still long enough to watch too many of them!
Grey's Anatomy, America's Next Top Model, Desperate Housewives, reality tv
I've constantly got my nose in a book and can't keep up with what I'm readin'. I can't even remember the name of my current read...but the Bible is always next to my bed.
My little sister, Chelsea. She's the most determined, beautiful and talented young woman I know. Her motivation to achieve her goals is an inspiration to me. She's seven inches taller than me now but she'll always be my Munchkin...My parents are also my heroes. If it weren't for them I wound't be where I am today. God has truely blessed me with a heroic family.