I like talking, playing guitar, hanging out, watching films, my friends and lazing around all day. And drinking. =)
I have a 2:1 degree in Computing Science: Software Engineering, from Newcastle University. So, anyone looking for any staff..
I can usually be found off my face in Legends most Saturdays, moshing about to metal and classic rock.
I used to work in Game, in Eldon Square. Unfortunately.
Nahh, I'm kidding.. most of the people there were cool. I love playing guitar. Maybe too much. It's one of my favourite addictions. I own an Ibanez S670FM, an Epiphone Les Paul, a Squier Strat and a Vintage "Musicman" bass.
That's about all I can think to write heh. Ask me if you want to know anything more!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Ronnie Van Zant...
Johnny and Joey Ramone...
maybe some people that are alive too, I guess heh.. like..
Mark Knopfler, as he is a pure legend.
My Blog
he stole my pic ...
heyy i just found out this mornin that this guy stole my photo, and then used it as his own...thanks ashley for letting me know! the guy's address is myspace.com/brakemyinternet.. ive let people know... Posted by on Tue, 05 Jul 2005 05:26:00 GMT
passed exams XD
heyy i got my results today.. and i passsedd all my modules =D im gonna have to celebrate i dont have to worry bout uni until september now =P lessthanthree Posted by on Mon, 20 Jun 2005 05:45:00 GMT