I like listening music, reading fantasy books and playing video games!!!(my favorites games Final Fantasy!!). Since 2 weeks i've a bow and i shoot in my garden, last year i still play tennis(i've make 6 years of tennis) and now...hum...i sleep...no i work for my last test for sure..... width="425" height="350"
A girl who makes me dream and who laugh all the time!! This profile was edited with MusicVideoCodes.com MySpace HTML Editor
I listen pop-rock music, american music, english music and last but not least, french music!! I think nobody here know french music but it can be really good. I'll give you some band name: Blink 182(all people know), Sum 41, Green Day, Serafin, Bowling for soup, Queens of the stone age, NOFX, Good Charlotte, Caesar, Goldfinger, New Found Glory...and now french music: Deportivo, Superbus, Tryo, Uncommonmenfrommars, Bettraves, Louis attack..... width="425" height="350"
The Lord of the ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Harry Potter, Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura, Matrix, Wonderful Days(plz watch this movie, it's just wonderful...lol), Astérix et Obélix(french movie), Le dîner de con(french movie too), Star Wars, Ice Age, American Pie, Scary Movie 1...and FINAL FANTASY ADVENT CHILDREN:).. width="425" height="350"
I never watch T.V because there're just stupid things!!!!!
I read fantasy books like Harry Potter, the Lord of the ring, Krondor's chronicles( writed by Feist), and many books of David Gemmel who's one of my favorite autor with Feist. If you like fantasy books, read Gemmel's books or Feist's books. You'll never be disappointed!
I think there's no known real heroes:actors like Brad Pitt aren't heroes. To my mind heroes are unkown, it's just like generous people, real generous people are unknow, they're never saying on T.V:"I give money to these people because i'm generous". That's really hypocrite! They're just takeing care of their image. I'm sorry but i can't really say what I think in english..it's a bit hard for me.