The Hootchy Kootchy Club profile picture

The Hootchy Kootchy Club

About Me

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On this myspace site you can look out for all the up coming shows and meet all the lovely performers and co workers that helped making Hootchy Kootchy Club happen. Coming up next:
BLACK & WHITE The Party of the Century
2 maj kl 21-03, Södra Teaterns Kägelbana
Tre anmärkningsvärda år på topp i Stockholms nattliv! Hootchy Kootchy Club firar stort jubileum och ställer till med festernas fest. Recessionen har inte letat sig ner till Hoochy Kootchys salonger. Vi fortsätter att trotsa depressioner och hylla hedonism! Så schackmatt alla dystra framtidsprognoser.
1966 höll Truman Capote en legendarisk Black & White Masquerade Ball för New Yorks societet. Gästlistan inkluderade personer som Frank Sinatra och Greta Garbo och festen gick till historien som århundradets mest spektakulära och dekadenta tillställning. Hela 450 flaskor Tatinger champagne gick åt och det tog Capote flera år att betala tillbaka skulden. Men det var det värt. Dresscoden var strictly black and white, något som gästerna tog på stort allvar med kostym och klänningar från designers som Dior, Givenchy och Betsey Johnson.
I samma anda firar vi vår fabulösa existens med svartvit elegans. Röda läppar, rosa champagnebubblor och regnbågsfärgat sinne hör till de få undantagen som accepteras denna storslagna afton.
PÃ¥ scen och bakom skivspelarna: Amber Ray (US), La Horrox (UK) Hootchy Kootchy Hussies, DJ Pjotr och DJ Rip Roarin Mary Lou mfl. Bildspel Lipstick and Dynamite. Scenografi Hans & Klas.
The beautiful Hootchy emsemble for the Christmas Caramel show at Sodra Teatern, Stockholm.
The Hootchy Kootchy Club is one of the most spectacular burlesque venues up north. We are situated on the south side of Stockholm at . Aproximatly once a month we present an eclectic blend of burlesque acts from some of the worlds best burlesque performers. Each time we also present a certain theme to bring that extra spice you need to create an atmosphere of exitement and mystique. The Hootchy Kootchy club wishes to blend the contemporary artistic scene with an 'old touch'. This means that we also work with musicians, dj:s, dancers, divas, circusartists, freaks and geeks!
The person behind this profile is Virginia Velazques, also known as 'the jalapeno rose', initiator and creative director of the Hootchy Kootchy club.
Other people working with the club are; the producer from the theatre Emma Kjellander, Hans & Klas, the clubs own troupe 'The Hootchy Kootchy Hussies' and Lipstick & Dynamite. We also work with other creative people depending on theme and occasion.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Everyone who likes burlesque!

"Sugar Mama", Hootchy Kootchy 2 year annversary. Pictures taken by Joel Dittrich!

Pictures from Musical-Oh-Rama the 15th of March 2008, by Joel Dittrich.

Pictures from Christmas in Wonderland 15:th of December, taken by Johannes Helje.

Pictures from the Rocky Horror Hootchy show, taken by Piak

Pictures below by Piak from the Hootchy Kootchy Storyville show:

Pictures from Futuresque taken by Piak.

Pictures from Futuresque taken by Johannes Helje.

My Blog

Listen to Hootchy Kootchy producers at Stil, P1 public radio

Listen to Producers Emma & Karin talk about 3 amazing years working with The Hootchy Kootchy club in Stockholm at SR P1 Stil.P1 Stil, Hootchy Kootchy club
Posted by on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 12:12:00 GMT

March 19: Burlesque workshop with Miss Indigo Blue!

Burlesque Workshop with Miss Indigo Blue 19/3Plats: Södra Teaterns Kägelbanan, Mosebacke.Tid: 18.00-21.00Pris: 350 krFör första gången i Sverige! En burlesk workshop med Miss Indigo Blue som driver A...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Mar 2009 15:38:00 GMT

Japansk performanceartist och bondage dominatrix till Hootchy Kootchy Club!!!

Japansk performanceartist och bondage dominatrix till Hootchy Kootchy Club!!! På lördag får Hootchy Koothcy Club exklusivt besök av den jaapanska performanceartisten C. SNATCH Z / SNACKY! Denna soloa...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 23:53:00 GMT

very special secret guest coming to Sugar Mama!

We have a very special secret guest for you at the Sugar Mama, Hootchy Kootchy celebration this saturday. We can..t say who it is, only that this fantastic performer is an avant garde New Yorker!!!so,...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 15:06:00 GMT

Musical-Oh-Rama saturday the 15 of March

Don..t miss the outrageous musical medley at the Hootchy Kootchy Club this coming Saturday. Come and dance to your favourite classical musical scenes throughout the times on the dancefloor. See the sc...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 02:44:00 GMT

Belle de Jour info

Don´t forget to buy your tickets for Belle de Jour at the Hootchy kootchy Club. We present the first SWAP party in Sweden, so bring vintage clothes you want to swap with others! Tired of all the meanl...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 13:02:00 GMT

Thank you for a wonderful year! + link to pictures

From all of us at the Hootchy Kootchy Club to all of our beautiful guests and performers; thank you for a wonderful and inspiring year. We wish you a peaceful and relaxing Christmas and a Ha...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 02:16:00 GMT

Mad Hatters Tea party coming up!

Get your tickets for Christmas in Wonderland burlesque show at the Hootchy Kootchy Club. You can either buy them on internet or at the theatre. We will save 100 tickets to sell at...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 02:54:00 GMT

Christmas in Wonderland 15 dec

Don´t be too late to get your tickets for The Hootchy Kootchy 2007 finalé. We will enter Wonderland and the main stage on Södra Teatern. This time you will even have two choices. You can come ear...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 22:01:00 GMT

Radio Metropol and Hootchy Horror in Aftonbladet

Hi! Darlinda just Darlinda and Virginia Valentine will be broadcasted on radio Metropol Live today 18.00 pm. Also you can read more about The Rocky Horror Hootchy Show here.
Posted by on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 02:34:00 GMT