Svart Vinter profile picture

Svart Vinter

About Me

"For the Forgotten Honor and Glory of my Ancestors"

Misantropic Nihilist Black Metal

Svart Vinter is a one person project, ALDEBARAN creates Black Metal with Intelectual lyrics about Philosophy, History and Mithology, the tematic of these lyrics wants to recovers the Forgotten Honor and Glory from the ancient cultures and battles, which has been remplaced in the modern life with wars with no honor and people with paper beliefs .

Svart Vinter have a hard underground believes , for this reason Svart Vinter will never play a live show, this project does not support mainstream bands or mainstream people.

Teomahuiztli, Chicauhtoc , Melahuac

Høyest, Sterk og Tro

Whispers In The Forest

My Interests


Member Since: 02/12/2006
Band Members: Infernal Noise, Howls and Blasphemy by
Influences: Mithology, History, Philosophy, Nihilism, Misantrhopy, Ancient Cultures, Aztec, Mayan Folklore, Paganism, Antichristianism and Elitism,.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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