Jesus Christ profile picture

Jesus Christ

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Master Jesus/Sananda was the Chohan of the Sixth Ray, the Ray of Brotherhood, devotion, peace and patriotism until December 31, 1959 when beloved Master Nada fully took on the office. Master Jesus/Sananda has taken a new position as World Teacher and is in charge of reforming today's religions and creating a Universal Church. According to Master St. Germain, Master Sananda holds the office of the personal Christ as the great exemplar of each one's own Holy Christ Self. Master Jesus/Sananda has the task of purifying the Christian Churches and removing the man-made dogmas and doctrines, which have corrupted the purity of His teachings.
During his incarnation as Jesus, he came to teach us all that we have the power to create and heal. Jesus said, "These and greater things than these shall you do." (John 14:12.22)
He demonstrated God through His healings, His crucifixion and His resurrection. On the outer plane, in the material world, He manifested the path of the Initiate. The path of every spiritual seeker will eventually result in the seeker's spiritual birth, spiritual death or death of the ego/personality/physical body and spiritual resurrection in the Light of the Spiritual Realm.
Regardless of your religion, you may call upon Ascended Master Sananda to aid and assist you in any area of your life. He taught that every man, woman and child is a creation of God worthy of all love, compassion and help.
Call upon Master Jesus/Sananda to awaken within your heart the Christ Consciousness, which already burns in your spiritual heart as a small white flame. Ask that He assist you in expanding your awareness of the Christ Consciousness that resides within you. Ask that He assist you in walking the path of Divinity, which He Himself walked almost two thousand years ago. Call upon Him to heal your heart and awaken your own inner Divine Spark.

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