Catharsis - chess - innuendo - the European Union - phantasmagorias - philosophy - psychology - puns - politics - napping - exploring - video games - cognition - flavored coffee - colloquiums - rain - green tea - dark alleyways - my shadow - everything Japanese - word play - semantics - interrobangs
Hephaestion ..and liberals I need to build a support structure of liberals.
Bach - the Beta Band - Bobby McFerrin - Radiohead - Yo-Yo Ma - Yoko Kanno - Bobby McFerrin with Yo-Yo Ma! - John Williams - The London Symphony Orchestra - Lux Aeterna - Howard Shore - Danny Elfman - Yann Tiersen - Chopin
Coffee and Cigarettes - Stanley Kubrick - Tim Burton - The Coen Brothers - early Spielberg - Monty Python movies - LOTR - Akira Kurosawa - Requiem for a Dream - Brazil - Charlie Kaufman - Terry Gilliam - Willy Wonka - Lost in Translation - Star Wars - The Last Emperor - Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
Fraiser - West Wing - Kids in the Hall - Keeping Up Appearances - Iron Chef - CNN - PBS - C-SPAN - Chappelle's Show - Adult Swim
Favorites: Plato's Dialogues - Catch-22 - Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid - The Great Gatsby - A Clockwork Orange
Authors: Plato - Asimov - Dostoyevsky - Nabokov - Tolkien - Kafka - Vonnegut - Nietzsche
Wittgenstein - Nietzsche - Popper - Chomsky