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You Have Good Karma
In general, you like to do the right thing when it comes to others.
Your caring personality really shines through.
Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occasionally act out.
But, all in all, you're karma is good... even with those few dark spots.
How's Your Karma?I love spending time with my Family. My Grandchildens activities in and out of school. Few of them are in Music, Marching Band, Drama Arts and play Basketball. My Church. I love taking walks in the park. Camping, Sitting at a camp fire on a nice summer night sharing memories from the past, singing songs with Family and Friends. I do different kinds of crafts, write poems. Like playing Video games, Pac Man and Sonic with 3 year old Grandson's.
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Granddaughter Carly
Grandson Kayden
Grandson's Devon and Dillon
"Who am I today?" I ask...
And I wonder if I even know.
I know the past has shaped me now,
Even though the past was long ago.
The little moments form a blur,
The times both happy and sad,
All the people I once knew,
And the things I used to have.
They all helped me to become Where,
what and who I am now,
Because everything has influenced me,
I'm not sure exactly how.
But I'm Thankful for the memories,
Even of the people I'v never really met,
For the people I miss, the people I love,
Even the people I truly want to forget,
That I wished I have really never met.
For these memories have helped me grow,
They've made me calm, yet strong,
And now there's a story to my life.
That has been being written all along.
So, thank you for the memories. Without them,
I don't know who I'd be- Because somewhere among
these memories Are the things that define me!
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Nana's Are Made Of Love! Everything Our Nana
does is something special made with love.
She take time to add the extra touch that says,
"I love you very much." She fixes hurts with a kiss
and smile and tell good stories Nana-style.
It's warm and cozy on her lap for secret
telling or a nap. And when we say our prayers at
night, we ask God to bless and hold her tight.
Cause when it comes to giving hugs our Nana's
arms are filled with love! We really feel quite special
That God has chosen her To be a person
in our life Who knows us through and through.
The time that we spend talking,
We've always felt Nana's heard...
She has been so good at listening To each
and every word. And even things we didn't share,
Nana somehow heard them too. We think this
is a special gift That God has given her.
So we just want to Thank you Nana for being
here for us, And showing us acceptance
And love so totally. Ever since the day we was born.
You have nurtured us with love and kindness.
You have been someone we can believe in,
And someone we can depend upon. In this world
we are just starting to understand. And it's
important to us Nana that you know
How grateful that we are For all that you have
given to us, And for the strength we will
always have, Because of you,
Our Dear sweet Nanas Love!
FOOTPRINTS IN YOUR HEARTMany people will walk in and out or your life,
but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.To handle yourself, use your head,
To handle others, use your heart.Anger is only one letter short of danger.If someone betrays you once, it's his fault.
If he betrays you twice, it's your fault.Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people.God Gives every bird it's food,
but He does not throw it into it's nest.He who loses money, loses much;
He who loses a friend, loses more;
He who loses faith, loses all.Beautiful young people are acts of nature,
but beautiful old people are works of art.Learn from the mistakes of others.
You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.The tongue weighs practically nothing,
but few people can hold it!
I'd like to meet:
Daughters Of The American Revolution.
It is Certified and Documented that my
Ancestor Servied in the Civil War.
Samuel Hopson, Jr, Born July 29, 1738
Wallingford, Ct. Served with the 10th
Regiment, 4th Company. He died,
April 29, 1826
I like all kinds of music, mainly Country,Christian, Inspirational, Blue Grass,Folk,& oldies rock. I'm not much into that Rad.
Parent's ReflectionsWe gave you life, but cannot live it for you.We can teach you things, but we cannot make you learn.We can give you directions, but we cannot be there to lead you.We can allow you freedom, but we cannot account for it.We can share our faith with you, but we cannot make you believe.
We can teach you right from wrong, but we cannot always decide for you.We can buy you beautiful clothes, but we cannot make you beautiful inside.We can offer you advice, but we cannot accept it for you.We can give you love, but we cannot force it upon you.We can teach you to share, but we cannot make you unselfish.We can teach you respect, but we cannot force you to show honor.We can advise you about friends, but cannot choose them for you.Wecan advise you about sex, but we cannot keep you pure.We can tell you the facts of life, but we can't build your reputation.We can tell you about alcohol, but we can't say *no* for you.We can warn you about drugs, but we can't prevent you from using them.We can tell you about lofty goals, but we can't achieve them for you.We can teach you about kindness, but we can't force you to be gracious.We can warn you about sins, but we cannot make you moral.We can love you as a child, but we cannot place you in God's family.We can pray for you, but we cannot make you walk with God.We can teach you about Jesus, but we cannot make Jesus your Lord.We can tell you how to live, but we cannot give you eternal life!.
My favorite is the Wizard Of Oz, Gone With The Wind. There is alot of the old movies I still like to watch. Have a collection of old ones on tape. There are so many of the old Actor's that I love reading and hearing about.They just don't make alot of good movies like they use to. One of the new Movie, I Love is Happy Feet! I like olded western's, comic,romance,scary things.
All Sports,WWE,Raw,Smack Down,THE CHAMP!
Most game shows, Animal Planet. Disney and Nick Jr with my grandson's when they are around.
Oldest Son with his 3 beautiful daughter
Don't read much, But when I do its reading storys to my precious Grandchildren and relaxing reading my Bible!
Hosted By SparkleTags.comGolden FriendshipAlthough we have never met, you have touched my heart and soul.
Your patience, love, and understanding has carried me through some hard times.Although you are a world away, somehow we know each other in a way that really matters.
We are closer than most people who have met, because you have taken the time to reach deep within to know the person without the face.
It is truly what is on the inside that counts.
You are more than words on a screen.
You are an inspiration in times of need.
You give me hope when things seem lost.
You make me laugh and cry, listen and talk.
You make me think without saying a word.
In this vast web world of silent talk, although we have never met, I have found a true friend.
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My Parents for raising me to be the respectable caring understanding loving and sharing person that I am. "Love you mom and dad".
My wonderful Husband for all his love and standing by me through the years with all our ups and down. Children and Grandchildren, for their love, respect,understanding, being here to help with trouble times giving us the strength to go on. Our Lord Jesus Christ without him we all would not have lived!
My Young Heroe.
Douglas Pierce.
An Iraq War Vet.
"Doug you hold a Special place in
my heart. Thank You for what you
did for our Country And for being
a wonderful Nephew of my
Dearest Friend. Your Auntie.
God Bless, Rest in Peace".