ODD HEATHENISH profile picture


About Me

Formed back in 1997 as DENETHOR, by Josu (Bass) Alex (Drums) and Asier (Guitar).In 1998 Fernando joined the band. 6 months later Alex left due to lack of time and Patxi (SUFFERING DOWN. ELFFOR) took care of the drums for a while, just till Endika (Guitar) was added to the line up and Asier changed guitars to drums. That was the original ODD HEATHENISH line up.Fernando left the band in year 2000 due to professional matters, eventhough the band continued active as a three piece act.Later on, 2002, Aritz (Guitar) and Gotzon (Vocals) joined ODD HEATHENISH. The band played the very first gig this same year, with the following bands: CONTINUO RENACER, IMPURE, SUFFERING DOWN, LUX DIVINA and CEREBRAL EFFUSION. Aritz parted ways because of some work matters on 2003 and his place was filled by Karmelo.During all this time the band has played several gigs sharing stage with bands as the following: IMPURE, SUFFERING DOWN, CEREBRAL EFFUSION, HINDRANCE, ZULDAR, BIOTERROR, IRAINA, OZEN, KONDAIRA, BIOK, NECROPHOBIC...After composing 10 new songs, the band started recording their first Demo, "Damned Demo Madarikatua" that has been released finally in October 2006

My Interests


Member Since: 12/1/2006
Band Website: www.drownedscream.net
Band Members: Gotzon (Vocals) Endika (Guitar) Karmelo (Guitar) Josu (Bass) Asier (Drums)
Record Label: drowned scream records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Lan berria prestatzen

Edaskan jo genuenetik hainbat gauza gertatu izan dira gure inguruan eta egia esan ez diogu space-ari jaramon handiegirik egin. Lokal berria daukagu orain dela 3 hilabete, eta egia esan gustukoa eta le...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 12:46:00 GMT

Kontzertua Edaskan

Urte berri on guztioi! Datorren ostiralean, Urtarrilak 11, Barakaldoko Edaskan  jotzen arituko gara, Estampida thrash taldeak gonbidaturik. Nahi edo ahal izan ezkero, bertara hurbildu, arratsald...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 08:38:00 GMT

Urriak 6 Octubre Madrid (Sala Caracol) / October 6th Madrid

Datorren Uriaren 6an gure aspaldiko lagunak diren HINDRANCE taldearekin jotzeko aukera izango dugu Madrilen, Caracol aretoan. Beste bi edo hiru talde gehiagok hartuko du parte kontzertu horretan. Datu...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 13:31:00 GMT

Bilborock Ekainak 16 Junio

Kontzertuen atalean ikusi dezakezuenez, datorren ekainaren 16an Bilborock-en jotzeko aukera izango dugu, IN LOVING MEMORY eta BLOOD taldeekin batera. Mota ezberdineko hiru talde ikusteko aukera ederra...
Posted by on Sat, 19 May 2007 12:21:00 GMT

balorazioak/criticas/reviews (mar 2)

http://www.leshordesmetalliques.com ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- Dagoeneko badago gure Demoaren lehen balorazioa irakurgai, Fekalot-ek egina, honako...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 07:06:00 GMT

Otsailak 10eko kontzertuari buruzko datu berriak/ New details about the 10th of Feb show

kontzertuen atalean ikusi ahal izan duzuenez datorren Otsailaren 10ean VIDRES A LA SANG (www.myspace.com/vidresalasangofficial) eta ENTROPIA taldeekin joko dugu Deustuko Billypool tabernan, ordua...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 10:28:00 GMT

eskerrik asko guztioi!!!!

Aupa peña; Eskerrik asko zapatuan Purgatoriora hurbildu zineten guztioi. Azkenan iritsi  zan Demo Madarikatua aurkezteko eguna eta oso gustura ibili ginen. Esker bereziak BIOTERROR-eko peña guzti...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:40:00 GMT

"Damned Demo Madarikatua" abestien ordena

Demo/KD-aren inguruan hainbat buruhauste izan ditugu, beste batzuen artean abestien ordenarena. Ohiturak mantentzeko (madarikazioarena alegia) abestiak ez daude KD-an agertzen diren ordenean, hona hem...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 04:47:00 GMT

ongi etorriak gure myspace gunera / welcome to our myspace

ieup!!! Azkenean bagaude myspace saltsa honetan. Gune hau apurka apurka itxuraz aldatzen joango da. Taldearen inguruko berriak, kontzertuen datak eta bestelakoak jakinera emango ditugu hemen. Bitarten...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 02:56:00 GMT