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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Inspiration comes from within and the outcome is determined by what you allow to penetrate your soul. What are you feeding it?

Nourishment through the WORD will allow you to express yourself in art, music, sports, literature, etc.---
but most important will encourage you to glorify God with your talents. Edification to our Lord just comes natural if you are in the WORD.

And the blessings??? Oh, yes, the blessings!!! , , , well , , , just try it for yourself :
(and the cycle begins all over again) ............................................................ ...................................................
All this because He loves us.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

My gift?
Servant to the King and serving you:

Guatemala Mission Trip
Come share my life changing experience!

Driving through the gates of Casa Aleluya, I didn't know what to expect. With an armed guard opening the large black steel door, I thought we would be searched and briefed of our duties with a rigid schedule during our stay. Instead we were greeted by a handful of beautiful children. My heart immediately melted. I could sense the presence of the Lord as I hugged each one without knowing their names.

Outside our room was a play area with concrete steps, the kids just sat there for hours, talking, drawing, hugging each other, sometimes sleeping there. Frustrated by not knowing my purpose for being here. ...... Paint? Build something? Dig gardens? Repair broken things? .... But no... As each day passed all I did was draw, play, talk, hug . . . . it finally hit me one afternoon. As I sat on the concrete steps holding Reina, not talking or doing anything else...just holding her.

I was being used by God so that He could pour out all His love and compassion to these innocent children through me. It was ok that I was leaving by the weekend because God would use the next missionaries to do the same thing. It wasn't about MY love. You see I haven't mastered the type of love that God has for us, so it would be selfish for me to think that it was my love that the kids needed.'s the unconditional sacrificial love that the Lord has for us. For the first time in my life, I felt it.

As the kids shared a little of their stories, I learned what forgiveness was about. In spite of being abandoned by their parents, the abuse, exploitation, starvation, and many other brutal experiences inflicted by the ones who gave them birth...the kids still loved their parents. They were able to forgive them because they had been rescued from that bondage by an intervention of the Lord the ONE who gave them LIFE.

As a former resident of an orphanage many years ago, I was able to face those demons and cast them away. I was once one of these kids (at a different time & different place). They taught me to let go of the ugliness that would present itself every now and then. I now know how to truly forgive those that abused me. I am able to break free from the bondage of unforgiveness.

I invite you to watch and listen to this remix of my favorite song, "I can only Imagine". God is so awesome that all we can do is IMAGINE... BUT FROM HIS PROMISES, I KNOW IT WILL BE WONDERFUL!!!.

Yours In Christ,

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