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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a 40-something aspiring author, eternal optimist, chronic dork and Imaginary Supermodel. I'm opinionated, loud, loyal and incurably goofy. My best and worst quality is my honesty (some describe it as refreshing...others describe it as brutal) and I'm a confirmed vidiot with a compulsive reading disorder (note to self: buy more bookshelves). I believe that everything happens for a reason and that there absolutely is something good (and quite often freaking hilarious)to be taken from even the worst experience. My imagination has been running about, waving its arms and shrieking like a rabid monkey, for as long as I can remember. So, I finally decided to put my degree to work and started writing. Check in from time to time to get a load of nonsense custom tailored by me! Love, luck and linguini to all ;-)PLEASE NOTE: I will only add your business-related page IF I actually use your product or service. Please do not try to sell me your politics or religion. No...I am not looking to "hook-up" or join any sort of multi-level marketing scheme. But YES...I would love to add you if you are a writer, reader or just a really cool, slightly quirky person who loves to laugh.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Gosh...umm, lots of people. I'll pretty much talk to anyone. If you've ever been in front of me in the grocery store checkout line you already know this to be true. So yeah...pretty much everyone. Except Steve-O from Jackass. I think the reason is obvious.

My Blog

Hey...we're SO not Brooke and Cindy!

Hey all you "women of a certain age"! Has it begun to shock you as much as it is rattling my cage how many products it requires to be you these days? Really, I need to start taking on sponsorships for...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Aug 2009 11:37:00 GMT

Hello? Is this thing on? The Art of Polite Conversation.

So yeah, I'm probably a little more chatty and outgoing than your average Jolene...but what is up with all the stone-faced cashiers and providers of customer service? And just people in general. I hap...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Aug 2009 13:10:00 GMT

Where the hell did my ass go?...and other random thoughts.

So yeah...I went a bit MIA there for awhile. But have no fear, assorted random drama and familial-crazy aside, I am just sparkly, obnoxiously happy. Yep...that's right. Happy as a damned clam. Not a p...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Aug 2009 16:25:00 GMT

Well butter my butt and call me biscuit!

So...we realized that we were out of pretty much everything... in our happy household. Ya'll know what this means, right?A trip to Sprawlmart.We dread it so much that we only go ev...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Jul 2009 06:50:00 GMT

Above all else....

...he loved life. No matter how strange any of us may or may not be, we should all strive for just that.Take a moment to watch this beautifully put together piece...and really listen to the lyrics.Our...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:02:00 GMT

Parking Lot Anarchy

So yes, I returned from the Epic & Excellent Adventure (missed it? Scroll back in my bloggy menu for the chaotic ten part series) with a miraculous sense of calm and peace in the wonderfulness that is...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 12:11:00 GMT

A Most Epic and Excellent Adventure ~ Part 10 ~ Southwest, Take Me Home!

Welcome to the last leg of our Most Epic and Excellent Adventure, ya'll! We returned the rental car in a snap. The Albuquerque Airport totally has it going on in the rental car area. The rental car pl...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 07:38:00 GMT

A Most Epic and Excellent Adventure ~ Part 9 ~ A Sample of Visually Funky Nob Hill

This is another short, point A to point B entry...simply for the visuals. Also because it was making me a bit twitchy not to end on number ten. So, if you will, tolerate my babble...enjoy the pics...a...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 06:04:00 GMT

A Most Epic and Excellent Adventure ~ Part 8 ~ A couple sights, but mostly just babble. you probably can tell by the previous entries...this has been a whirlwind trip. A different hotel each night and covering three states by car. Just me and my two adorably nutty travel partners...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jun 2009 11:10:00 GMT

A Most Epic and Excellent Adventure ~ Part 7 ~ Forever Sedona

The bad thing about arriving in a town you have never been to after dark is that you have no idea where you are going. After a long day on the road you can barely remember where you've been. You are r...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jun 2009 09:50:00 GMT