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About Me

misunderstanding.... or rather too much of it ~ i ran out of toilet paper.... Pimp-My-Profile

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[HUMANS]........Humans, or human beings, are bipedal primates belonging to the mammalian species Homo sapiens (Latin for "wise man" or "thinking man") under the family Hominidae (the great apes).[1] Humans have a highly developed brain capable of abstract reasoning, language, and introspection.Like most primates, humans are by nature social. However, humans are particularly adept at utilizing systems of communication for self-expression and the exchange of ideas.Humans also have an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics which, combined with the human desire for self-expression, has led to cultural innovations such as art, literature and music.Humans are also noted for their desire to understand and influence the world around them, seeking to explain and manipulate natural phenomena through science, religion, philosophy and mythology.This has also led to the exploration of spiritual concepts such as the soul and God, and has factored into the self-awareness of humans, leading to self-reflection and the development of distinct personalities.Do you qualify?

My Blog

the new way of the old mind

the sound of woods has disappeared as the ink dripped away to an unknown dimension... the dots, spots, and endless doubts have marked the swirling path of an unknown traveler... the dimension and...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 13:04:00 GMT

mjehurici u vakuumu

chestice kruze atmosferom, dishni putevi ih razradjuju, a vlakna se pune zivotnomsilom koja moze da zajebe cijeli svijet - samo da joj se da. no... poshto se takve situacijenajcheshche(op.a.hahah) kri...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 17:51:00 GMT

the reversed train....

many things can go wrong..... for the sake of being lets just purpose that all is for the best... bullshit.... cause and effect have to strong influence to take them so easily... and float... fuck it....
Posted by on Wed, 31 May 2006 09:58:00 GMT


if i could only stop my thoughts and go back to the beginning.... head up high and silent steps.....people are egoists by default, thus who is brave enough to throw the first rock in ones' own he...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 09:24:00 GMT